Most lists consist of top-notch bloggers who are supposedly brilliant when it comes to talking about business strategies. These experts claim know how to run a business and can show you how to earn your first million dollars in just a week however most of those blogs are not too valuable to read since almost everything they say can be read elsewhere.
It’s not long ago that I wrote a list of href="">10 awesome bloggers, but chances are that you already knew these guys as they have really successful blogs. This time I’m gonna look on a list of bloggers I feel should get more attention.
Here are the blogs from a group of writers that are exceptional in their fields, since what their blogs contain are engaging and based on real experiences. The blogs are based on the stories of their lives, which makes everything more interesting even if some of what they say can be a bit tricky to understand at times. The common denominator amongst them is not having a tremendous amount of followers in social media as well as not getting the attention they truly deserve. If you read through their blogs, you will absolutely agree that their talents should be admired more than they currently are.
1. href="">George Ioannou
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/> George specializes in eCommerce design and the likes, email marketing, marketing strategy and a lot more.
He created some remarkable blog posts such as href="">5 Great Tips to Seriously Increase Your eCommerce Revenue and href="">Keeping your Content Marketing Strategy Simple: 6 Pointers for Success which can greatly contribute useful ideas to those who needs it.
He was able to write blogs with this information based on his experiences and knowledge about the subject matter. He has great knowledge and understanding of the usability and information regarding architecture and wider access designs.
Having worked with clients who are in different sectors, which include Telecom, Government, Retail, Apparel and more has given him valuable information in these fields as well. Unfortunately, he is one of those bloggers who are not getting the attention they deserve though his work is exemplary.
2. href="">Sarah Peck
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/> She has been doing her share of writing and still, she says she hasn't figured out where in the online world she truly belongs. She writes about almost everything. She has wonderful blogs about psychology, creativity and business, which she all has first-hand experience on all areas.
She engages in various activities such as designing her own jobs, help in charity work and launching small businesses and many side projects. Attending to all of these gives her valuable information she can impart to everyone who reads her blog.
Despite being on the Internet for over two years, her blog does not have that many followers, making this something of an online hidden treasure.
3. href="">Sibyl Chavis
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/> A graduate from Harvard, you can expect nothing less from this lady than important and valuable information which you can use in your business or even in your everyday life.
As she claims, she is like everyone else who finds something to complain about. Until she realized that she can do something to improve and change her life. She went to Harvard Law School and spent 10 years in corporate America which built her into a "substance" individual.
However, even after doing that much of her life, she still feels that there is still something that is missing and she is not accomplishing everything she believes she is capable of.
She pushed herself to a forty-day challenge, which turned into 5 years, which eventually resulted in her blog called The Possibility of Today. She talks about life in all perspective that is actually a realistic thing. Everyone can learn from her expert thoughts and opinion.
She believes that everyone should take advantage of whatever possibilities happen each day since it is an opportunity to see a new world and a different way of living. Some of her exceptional blog posts are title="How To Make Sure You Aren't Thinking Too Small – Get What You Really Want" href="">How To Make Sure You Aren't Thinking Too Small – Get What You Really Want, 11 Things You Really Want to Stop Doing Today, title="39 Things You May Want to Do Even If Other People Tell You They Are Wrong" href="">39 Things You May Want to Do Even If Other People Tell You They Are Wrong
4. href="">Colleen Wainwright
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/> For Coleen, the best way for her to connect with her readers is to tell them stories and not bomb them with how much of an expert she is on subject matter. She finds biographies the best kind of self-help books.
She depends on books to enhance her knowledge and enjoys reading biographies of various types of people she takes an interest in. She especially likes those who have what she calls a "fair amount of actual obstacles that they overcame."
After all of this reading she was able to come up with useful ideas she put into writing. Her work is very fun and entertaining, which will keep her readers glued to what she posted.
5. href="">Jenny Blake
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/> Jenny Blake is one of those bloggers who are personally driven to help individuals find out what they really want in their life before they waste it. The tag line on her website is "Wake up, live big! And love the journey." It is rightfully used since she focuses on writing about things that can help a person in deep slumber and complacency.
There are many people who are tired of their lives and tend to just sleep through it or sit and not care in finding a way to improve it. She has been an established employee of Google and she claims that it is one of the "defining moments of her life."
Her life with Google meant five years of training, coaching and career development on the authors for the Google team as well as herself. She was also a Senior Strategist on the Training and Development team and give AdWords product Training and web development to over a thousand people. That is more than enough credentials to make her an expert in her field as well as understanding what life brings.
Having all those experiences and having met all those people should have her a lot more followers and readers since these can be people who can really use what she is saying on her posts and books.
6. href="">Jaime Tardy
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/> Even when she was still a little girl, she believed that she will someday own a million dollars and that is her inclination in life even with her writing. What she does she says, while she doesn't have her million yet, she interviews millionaires to learn tips, tactics and seek advice based on their successes and failures.
Just like any normal person, Jaime thought that if she studied in a reputed school her chances of getting a high paying job would be much greater compared to the rest. She was actually doing great because at the age 22 she was already earning 6 figures.
However, she also did a lot of spending and by the age 24 she became indebted for over $70,000. Life was a tough teacher for her and she decided to quit her job. She learned that wanting to have a million dollars is not enough, she needs to find work that she will love.
So, she started rebuilding herself and did a great deal of studying and came across the world of personal finance and entrepreneurs. She learned a lot from what she had studied and now she is helping other people build their businesses and use their resources to have an amazing life.
It is an enlightening way of learning that makes her a great teacher. Reading her blogs would be a very enriching experience.
7. href="">Pace Smith
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/> Pace Smith is another blogger who also is a writer and a free soul that wants to do everything she can to improve the lives of others in general. Reading her blogs will show you her calm approach to life and how much she values it.
She is a claimed transgender, spiritual nomad with Sufi, Reclaiming and Buddhist Influences. Having all these conflicting aspects of her life, she is still able to balance it and make the best of everything.
She and her partner started their writing adventure when they were given a chance to speak in front of a small audience regarding communication and relationships. Some of those people who heard them even coaxed them to write a book which they did and that started everything. Having gone through a lot makes a person sincere with what they do.
8. href="">Barrie Davenport
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/> Barrie wrote some helpful blogs such title="3 Steps To Clean Up Your Finances And Prepare For Your Passion" href="">3 Steps To Clean Up Your Finances And Prepare For Your Passion that are really very helpful to people who are having great difficulties in putting their life all together.
She has the ability to build you up, allowing you to realize on your own what are the things that you needed to do this can actually be a better way to hone or change a person rather than telling him what really is his issues. Her way of approach is nurturing, encouraging and caring for that individual to support them.
Reading what she has written is an eye opener and if only a lot more people would take their time to review what she is saying. Knowing that you want a better life or a more exciting life or even a passionate life is not enough. You need to find a purpose and meaning to your existence and that is what she is good at making you realize.
9. href="">Leo Wildrich
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/> Realizing who you are and rebuilding who you are is what Leo usually talks about. Something that most people actually need but just doesn't understand why. Individuals who are tied to responsibilities or even just the fear of not being able to succeed create a non-believer of one. Reading Leo Wildrich's blogs will enlighten you to some of life's truths and will even let you decide on what it is you really want in life.
His blog posts such as href="">What listening to a story does to our brains, href="">10 Simple Ways To Get more Customers Using Psychology and title="Permanent Link to Listening to music is like taking drugs" href="">Listening to music is like taking drugs can do a lot of wonders for readers, especially those who needs it.
10. href="">Gregory Ciotti
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/> href="">The 3 Psychological Triggers that Matter to Happy Customers is one of Gregory's posts on the BufferApp blog, which are really worth reading, but remember also to href="">visit his own blog here.
He is someone who loves psychology and learning things about human behavior. Most of his works are related to business and finance but there are also some which talks about life in general. He believes that smart people should master behavioral psychology in order to be ahead of their competitors. For individuals who are creative or just have a curious mind, his writings can be really entertaining and valuable as well.
Do you know any great bloggers that should have been on this list? Let me know in the comments
The post href="">10 Kick Ass Blogs appeared first on href="">Retire My Ass.