Friday, 27 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'How to Deal with Frustrations and The Three Types of People'

fotoI’ve had a really bad day today…

Well I guess it really depends on who you compare your day to right? The issue is that I have a workshop for a group of psychologists this Sunday on Lifestyle Design and I really want to impress them.

The good thing about this situation is that there is a deadline. Sunday! This means that I know that I’ll have the workshop done by then. Of that I’m sure.

When I commit to something I follow through (but just ask my girlfriend how hard is it to get to commit to something :) well that’s an entirely other story).

I have given speeches on the subject plenty of times, so I know my stuff. But this crowd ended up wanting more of a workshop and I’ve had to tweak my content.

Actually I enjoy getting out and spreading my message about you should work less and live more and inspiring other people to take action enormously, so it’s not the event itself that has ruined my day. No, it’s something called “process”.

Now I like telling people that they should “live more” and if living is defined by staying or living in the moment, I tend to suck at this if it means that I should enjoy the journey towards a clearly defined goal.

I guess that there are three types of people

    The ones who focus on the goal or result (result oriented – driven by the future) and
    The ones who focus on the process or getting to the goal (process oriented – driven by the present).
    The ones who focus on past experiences and how they apply to the current situation (experience oriented – driven by past)

I tend to focus all my energy on the goal itself and I’m having a real hard time enjoying the process getting there.

And that’s why I’ve had a bad day. I didn’t get much closer to my goal. Even though I’d done my morning run (running aprox. 6km three times per week) I had low energy levels and felt stuck.

But I know I’m not supposed feeling bad about this. Heck, creating a two hour workshop or two full days of seminar (which I’m doing in September here in Denmark) takes time and is not really that easy. And instead of feeling down about lacking process and not getting closer to my goal, I should embrace the fact that it’s meant to be hard and just enjoy it.

So right now I’m banging my head against the walls (well not literally) because I felt today was a failure, instead of accepting that I did indeed get something out of the day. I get to structure my thoughts on the subject at hand and this is pretty darn important too, and I got to write this to get my frustrations out, which again meant that I can now see how stupid my head banging is.

Treatment by writing I guess.

I guess that this is a method you can use as well if you’ve had a bad day. Write it down and analyse it as you do. When you finish writing there’s a good chance you feel better about your day :)

And now that you’re here, a couple of thoughts about the three types of people.

The Result Oriented

It’s all about getting to the goal fast, so these types tend to forget planning a bit. They just want to get about and kick the ball. They are future oriented as this is where the goal is located. Once they reach their goal, they often tend to overlook this fact because they are on to the next goal.

The Process Oriented

They enjoy the process a lot and focused much on the present. They are not so concerned about the end result or goal, as they know that they will get there eventually. There is a risk that they will never reach their goal (or it will slide) simply because it’s really not that important (but cakes at meetings ARE!)

The Experience Oriented

They tend to compare every situation with something in there past. This makes them really good planners as they can apply the past experiences to the present. However they are not visionaries and can therefore have a hard time focusing on issues that have not been done before.

So all types have pros and cons. Which type are you?

The post How to Deal with Frustrations and The Three Types of People appeared first on Retire My Ass.

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Living in the Present – a small motivational story'

old coupleAfter a recent speaking gig this guy came up to me. I guess that he was 60+ and he seemed like a nice elderly gentleman.

He told me how much he had enjoyed my speech on working less and living more and wanted to share a story from his life. His story made the hairs on my arms stand up and they still do to this day whenever I tell his story to others.

I really want to share this story and perhaps help you see your own life in a different light.

So here goes…

His wife through many years had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and the doctors told them that she would have roughly a year to live.

Needless to say that this made them take a thorough look at their life. The man have had a successful business for many years, and since their kids left home they had been living just the two of them in a 3200 ft renovated farm house. Basically the home they had always lived in and expected to grow old in together.

However now they could see how his business and maintaining the house simply took all their time. And time was something that was suddenly of utmost important to the couple. They knew that they wanted to spend that time together and time spent on maintaining the large garden or running a business would be time away from each other.

So they made what someone not in their shoes might call a bold decision, but for them was the only valid thing to do….

He sold his business that he had spend a lifetime building and they sold their house that they had raised their kids.

They rented a small one-bedroom apartment and started traveling.

They saw all the places that they didn't get to see while raising a family, while working and building a business. They traveled to the far east, saw most of Europe and visited long lost friends in North America. Sometimes with their kids and grandkids and sometimes just the two of them.

At this time in the story you could see the man's eyes light up and his next words was pretty wasted on me as I could see them coming from a mile away.

"And Rasmus…. It has been the best time of our lives"

However the thing the man said next I didn't quite expect:

"And you know what? It was seven years ago my wife was diagnosed with the terminal cancer and she's still alive and we're still traveling most of the year".

It was clear to me that despite that his wife was still suffering from the cancer and still had a death sentence over her head, in front of me was standing one of the most happy individuals I've ever met.

Someone so full of joy, someone so fantastic at living in the present and getting the most from life.

Damn, the hairs on my arms stand even when I'm just writing this :)

So he thanked me again for my speech and my message about you should work less and live more, and at that point I was pretty speechless. I wanted to say "no thank you!" but the words just came out as mumble as he shook my hand and turned to leave.

Stories such as this one just make it all worth to me, and if I should leave you with just one more small thing then it would the #2 item on the Top Five Regrets Of The Dying:

“I wish I didn’t work so hard.”

How are you going to live your life? And do you need a wake up call like terminal cancer to live life to the fullest?

Have an awesome day!

The post Living in the Present – a small motivational story appeared first on Retire My Ass.

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'How to Meet Your Needs Without Being Needy'

On the one hand, we’re taught that we have certain needs as human beings, including survival needs (food, water, shelter, etc), emotional needs (belongingness, love), self esteem needs, etc.

Whether or not all of these concepts qualify as true needs is debatable. The idea of there being a clear hierarchy of needs, such as Maslow’s, is debatable too — and as far as I can tell, that model has been pretty well debunked. But we can probably agree that some non-essential aspects of living can preoccupy us at times, giving us the perception that these unsatisfied elements qualify as unmet needs.

On the other hand, we’re also taught that it’s undesirable to be needy or clingy, as if needy people have been afflicted with a disease that we wouldn’t want to catch.

Needs vs. Neediness

What’s the difference between having needs and being needy? It has to do with how you approach getting your needs met.

There’s nothing wrong with having needs and wanting to see them met. That’s perfectly fine and doesn’t automatically lead to neediness. What causes neediness is when the supply is scarce. This can lead to a competitive stance, whereby meeting your needs requires that someone else must necessarily have their needs unfulfilled.

If you need water and there’s a scarcity of water, that can certainly put you in a needy situation. You may experience thirst, and when you’re in that state, you’ll go out of your way to quench that thirst. If other people want water too, but there isn’t enough to go around, the landscape becomes competitive. Someone may end up going without.

What about emotional needs? The same situation can come up. For example, if you perceive that you have a need for touch and affection, then whether you’ll experience neediness or not depends on the scarcity or abundance of people willing and able to help you meet that need.

If you perceive this supply as scarce, you’re likely to feel needy, which encourages you and others to assume a socially competitive posture.

But if you have a need and there’s an abundant supply that you can access, you’re unlikely to feel needy. You can simply go and access that supply whenever you want, and you won’t deplete the supply enough to feel that you’re in competition with others.


Accessibility is a key factor here. For some emotional needs, there may technically be a vast supply available, but you may find that supply inaccessible at times. Often this is due to a lack of skill or some limiting beliefs that prevent you from having full access to the resource.

Suppose you perceive a strong need for sharing touch with other people. The supply is readily available. There are billions of other people on earth, and many of them would love to share touch.

But how easily can you access this supply? Have you developed the social skills to invite people to share touch with you, such that your invitations are accepted often enough to satisfy your needs?

Also, do you have any limiting beliefs that might be getting in the way of accessing the supply of available partners? Do you feel it’s odd or problematic to invite someone to help you meet this need? Would you feel uncomfortable issuing such invitations?

Do you artificially constrain the supply, such as by holding a belief that you can only share touch with someone you’re in a committed relationship with?

Chasing and Clinging

Usually when people feel emotionally needy, there’s a ready supply of people who could help them satisfy their need with ease. The neediness is really caused by self-imposed and/or socially conditioned limitations that artificially limit the person’s ability to access that supply.

When a person feels needy, they’ll often exhibit behaviors that can be classified as chasing and clinging.

Chasing occurs when someone perceives a potential supplier for their need, but the supplier isn’t completely willing to meet that need. But since this person doesn’t perceive many other viable options, it becomes their goal to convince, persuade, or manipulate this supplier into a position of satisfying the unmet need.

Clinging occurs when a supplier is secured, but the person still doesn’t feel they have many other good options, so they do their best to cage or trap this supplier, warding off any potential threats to the supplier relationship. The perceived difficulty of replacing the supplier incites clingy behavior.

Both of these behaviors are artifacts of a competitive scarcity mindset. Fortunately they can be overcome, sometimes by building better social skills, sometimes by overcoming limiting beliefs, and sometimes by a combo approach.

Needs and Open Relationships

One thing I really like about maintaining an open relationship posture is that it increases the supply of people who can help me meet my emotional needs.

In a closed relationship, I’m constraining my options, telling myself that I can only get certain needs met by one particular individual. If that individual is always readily available and willing to help me meet these needs, I can still feel a sense of abundance, and I wouldn’t feel any sense of clinginess.

But what if that individual isn’t always available or willing to help me meet my needs? Or what if she was difficult to find, and I think it would be tough to secure another willing and available partner? Then chasing and clinginess could infect my behavior patterns. And this can make it even more difficult to meet these needs.

Acknowledging Your Needs

One of my emotional needs is that I need to be touched a lot. It’s not a core survival need — without touch I won’t die — but I’ve seen that I function much better physically, mentally, and emotionally when I share a lot of touch. Ideally I like to be in direct physical contact with a woman for at least an hour each day, if not several hours (such as by cuddle-sleeping together at night).

With an incompatible partner who doesn’t like to be touched so much, I could end up being very needy and clingy if we were in an exclusive relationship together. That type of relationship would bring out my worst qualities. I’d feel a sense of scarcity. I’d feel sad, frustrated, or depressed that I’m not getting my needs met very well. I might spend a lot of time talking to my partner, trying to convince her to be more touch-friendly. I might blame myself for being so needy. I might try to let go of this need. In the long run, I might become resentful towards my partner, or numb and apathetic (turning off all my emotions to avoid feeling the sadness and disappointment), or just plain helpless. If I couldn’t meet this need, it could be difficult for me to function at my best. It would feel like something important was missing from my life.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead I could go another route entirely. I could clarify, acknowledge, accept, own, and then broadcast what I desire. I could recognize that if I like sharing touch so much, and if I feel it benefits me, perhaps there are some women out there who are very much like me. And perhaps it would be really nice to connect with a woman like that. Then we could cuddle each other as much as we wanted — for hours per day if we felt like it. I’d be happy with that arrangement for sure. And if she’s like me, then she’d be happy too.

Meeting Your Needs

Now if you have a difficult need to meet, you might conclude that it’s not worth the effort. Maybe you should just do without it and try to let it go. And perhaps with some effort, you could succeed. But this could consume a lot of extra mental and emotional effort.

On the other hand, what if there’s a ready supply available? What if the main obstacles are your own limiting beliefs and lack of skill? Then you just need to overcome those blocks once, and afterwards you’ll be able to meet your need with ease, as much as you desire, whenever you desire.

That’s the approach I used to satisfy my need for touch. I tried the old route of suppressing the need, but I always found that approach lacking — and rather distracting.

Several years ago I decided to explore the opposite approach. First, I worked on my beliefs. I was able to release my limiting beliefs about sharing touch largely by acknowledging that if I appreciate touch so much, then probably lots of other people feel this way as well. So all I really need to do is find some of those people (or make it easy for them to find me) and invite them to touch. If they feel as I do, then there shouldn’t be any problems. We share touch, such as by cuddling together. We feel good. And everyone is happy. And we can do this repeatedly as much as we want.

I can also do other things while sharing touch with someone, such as having an interesting conversation… or sleeping… or watching a movie… or holding hands while going for a walk. So I don’t necessarily have to dedicate a lot more time to meeting this need. I can simply adjust my lifestyle a bit to make touch a more integral part of it.

Then we have the skill-building aspect. First there’s the skill of inviting touch. And then there’s the skill of actually touching. Those both seemed like fun and interesting skills to further develop. I embarked on a path of developing both sets of skills.

I practiced inviting women to share touch in a variety of ways. And I got very good at this — and felt very comfortable with it. Even when I was just beginning to explore this, almost every invite resulted in a yes, which was encouraging. So my assumption that many women felt as I did turned out to be accurate. All I really needed to do was to start putting out invitations… and to let that develop into an ongoing habit.

I also practiced the skill of sharing touch, which involved trying different things to see what felt good to me and the other person — cuddle sessions, spooning, light touch, massage, sensual touching, head scratchings, kissing, etc. That was simple, easy, and fun. It was rewarding to develop more experience and confidence in making people feel good through touch… and in teaching them how to make me feel good.

I remember one time when a woman asked me what I liked, and I told her that I loved head scratchings. She then proceeded to give me a really delightful head scratching while I rested my head in her lap — for 30 minutes straight! I was totally blissed out by the end of it and thanked her profusely. She replied, “Well, you told me what you liked, so why wouldn’t I do lots of that?” I told her I wished more women were like her.

It turns out that there are indeed a lot more women like her. I just needed some time to find and connect with them.


The result of this approach has been a feeling of abundance. Now my life is rich with sharing touch — full of hugs, cuddling, and more. If I go some days without touching, it’s normally by choice, not because I can’t access the supply of potential partners.

Meeting this need doesn’t require any chasing or clinginess. The supply of people who enjoy touch is vast enough that I can simply focus on connecting with women who already appreciate touch as much as I do. There’s never a need to try to convince someone to share touch. If I perceive any resistance to such an invitation, I let go and move on. I know I can get this need met elsewhere, so there’s no point in getting clinging with a single unwilling non-supplier.

I’ve also noticed that as I’ve become more comfortable with this approach, and as I’ve stepped into the reality where I know how to meet this need very easily, all the neediness has left me. Now I can continue to meet this need abundantly without doing much inviting at all, largely by accepting invitations from others.

I’ve had many similar experiences with respect to shifting from scarcity to abundance. The same process plays out with financial abundance, for instance. Learn to release limiting beliefs and develop the necessary skills, and you can eventually earn more money than you need. Then you may find that after you’ve released your financial neediness, the money continues to flow with even greater ease. New opportunities start coming to you, so you don’t even have to seek them out anymore, even though you could if you wanted to.


When I go through the process of releasing some form of scarcity thinking and replacing it with an abundance mindset and heartset, the result is a feeling of gratitude. This helps to lock in the new reality, making it easy to maintain.

One reason I receive invitations to share touch with other people is because I no longer feel any neediness. I expect and anticipate that this need will continue to be well met henceforth, even with minimal action on my part.

Most days people spontaneously offer me hugs. Women frequently offer to cuddle with me. Or a pre-existing cuddle partner is readily available. It’s nice to be on the abundance side for sure, and I’m grateful for it — because I still remember what it was like to be on the scarcity side and how that felt.

Here’s a video of a talk I gave last week in Bucharest. In the video I’m speaking to a group of mostly Romanian entrepreneurs and independent business professionals about how to create a more fulfilling lifestyle. Feel free to watch the whole video later if this topic appeals to you.

If you watch just the 90 seconds from 32:20 until 33:49 (already queued up for your convenience), you’ll see two people from the audience come up and hug me during the Q&A portion. Do I look like I enjoy those hugs? Of course I do. That appreciation comes from the part of me that remembers what it was like not to have this energy in my life.

The benefit of experiencing scarcity first and then growing into abundance is the gratitude effect. When I’m holding a woman in my arms and we’re both feeling lovey-dovey towards each other, I feel immense gratitude that I’m able to invite and receive that kind of experience. I often tell women this too. These experiences are such a gift to me. I never take them for granted. Every experience of touch is precious to me.

Here’s a picture of me and two women enjoying some very nice heart-centered cuddling. Don’t we look happy? :)


When your needs are well met, you can essentially release them. Eventually you stop thinking about them as needs. Your old needs transform into new sources of gratitude and fulfillment.

By adding an extra thread of gratitude in your life, while simultaneously replacing a previous thread of neediness, you can significantly upgrade your default vibe as well as your overall quality of life. I find a cuddle-rich life to be of higher quality than a cuddle-scarce life. I’ve explored both possibilities, so I speak from direct experience. Cuddle abundance feels better to me.

It can take some time to feel that you’ve completed such an upgrade (often years), but when you reach the other side at least once (financially, socially, or otherwise), I think you’ll agree that the investment is worth the time and energy required.

Where in your life are you feeling neediness or scarcity? Where do you catch yourself chasing or clinging? Are you willing to commit yourself to a long-term, two-pronged approach that includes upgrading relevant skills and releasing limiting beliefs? If so, then I expect you’ll eventually succeed. It may take a while, but those years are going to pass anyway. You might as well emerge at some point in the future with the ability to meet your needs so abundantly well that you no longer perceive them as needs. When that future time becomes your present reality, you’ll be grateful that you made such a commitment.

I’m immensely grateful to my past self for making such a commitment to inviting and sharing touch with willing partners. I wouldn’t say it was particularly difficult, but it did take a certain level of dedication to growth in this area, as well as dealing with some occasional awkward moments. In my opinion it was worth it though. I must say that I absolutely love life on the other side of this need. It’s quite rewarding to land in a country I’ve never visited before and know that even if I don’t make a conscious effort of it, my desire to share touch will be easily fulfilled by delightful, heart-centered people. It’s also nice to know that I’m helping to meet their needs as well. :)

Steve Recommends

Money Mindfest – Increase your financial abundance in this FREE online event from Learning Strategies

Site Build It! – Use SBI to start your own money-making website

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Learn to release mental and emotional blocks in a few minutes

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you’ve found Steve’s work helpful, please donate to show your support.

Add Steve on Google+  -  Follow Steve on Twitter  -  Get Steve’s Free newsletter

Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Sunday, 22 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Lifestyle Connect – Sep 28 in Bucharest, Romania'

Here’s a pleasant surprise for anyone in or near Bucharest, Romania this Saturday. :)

I’ve been in Europe for about 3.5 weeks now, most of it spent in Bucharest. While I’ve been here, enjoying a whirlwind of amazing social connections and new experiences, I saw that there was some serious demand for a live personal growth event. Dozens of people expressed interest in this during my first week in town.

I’ve even been recognized on the street three times in the past week (in the USA I get recognized on the street maybe once per year). And two of those people asked me if I’d be having any events here.

I love the people here, and I really wanted to make this happen. But there was no way I could do this on my own during the time I’ll be in town. I have to return home to Las Vegas in early October at the latest. This could only be done so quickly with a solid team.

So some friends and I got together in person and decided to make an event happen here — fast. Within the first 3.5 hours, we had already worked out a theme, title, date, location, list of speakers, pricing, a URL, and more.

Our primary goal: Deliver a very social, high-value, multi-speaker event to inspire and encourage people to take the plunge and transition to a lifestyle that they truly love.

We only began brainstorming ideas for an event on Thursday. Now it’s a reality. And it begins in only 6 more days…

Part of me is still stunned that we’re actually doing this. I normally start planning new events 90 days or more in advance. The planning for this one began only 9 days before the actual event.

Consequently, due to the speed, I ask that you do your best to be somewhat forgiving as to our launch process. We are still putting pieces together as we launch.

If you’re looking for a day of dull lecture and Power Point slides, you won’t find it here.

Lifestyle Connect is about sharing our journeys, connecting in person, doing fun games and exercises together, and encouraging the heck out of you. Our goal is to help show you what it’s like to live a fun, rewarding, and fulfilling lifestyle that you love — and to help you bring this desire from a mere fantasy into your actual reality.

Lifestyle Connect in Bucharest

Lifestyle Connect

Our one-day LifeStyle Connect event happens this Saturday, September 28, in Bucharest, Romania.

Tickets are already on sale now, even as we continue to refine the web page (still need to add speaker bios as of the time of posting this).

Currently we only have capacity for about 80 attendees. About 10 tickets were already sold before we even had the event page up. My prediction is that we’re going to sell out fast (I expect within 24 hours), so if this event interests you, please decide quickly.

Speakers include: myself, Zan Perrion, Dragos Roua, Aurelian Popa, Octavian Baban, Florin T?bîrc?, Hans Comyn, and Raluca Popescu.

The theme of the event is how to create a lifestyle that allows you to:

  • do what you love (center your life around your passions and interests)
  • make your lifestyle financially sustainable (no need for a job, unless you really want one)
  • identify and develop the skills you’ll need (tech skills, social skills, travel savvy, etc)
  • stay motivated as you live on purpose (find your why)

Details of the event can be found here: LifeStyle Connect

Save 38% on Registration

For readers of my blog, I’m offering a discount on your registration that gives you 38% off the regular price (save 150 RON). That brings the price down to only 247 RON (about $75 USD, or 55€). This is a very good deal!

To register, use this link: discount sign-up link

Please reshare this if you have any friends who may be interested. Hope to see you there! :)

Steve Recommends

Money Mindfest – Increase your financial abundance in this FREE online event from Learning Strategies

Site Build It! – Use SBI to start your own money-making website

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Learn to release mental and emotional blocks in a few minutes

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you’ve found Steve’s work helpful, please donate to show your support.

Add Steve on Google+  -  Follow Steve on Twitter  -  Get Steve’s Free newsletter

Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Monday, 16 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Feedback on the Last Post'

Let me share some of the feedback I received about my last blog post and the new web page it links to regarding Meeting in Person. Essentially all I did was share in great detail what types of connections I’d like to explore with men and with women who want to meet up in face to face. I shared my thoughts, feelings, and desires honestly, in such a way that people can more easily determine how compatible we’re likely to be in terms of a personal connection. My motivation was to receive fewer but more compatible invites, so as to save myself and other people some time if we’re not that compatible — and to give more confidence to very compatible people that I’d welcome an invite from them.

First off, most of the feedback was very positive — in a pretty big way. I received several richly detailed and emotionally expressive emails from people who resonated strongly with what I shared, especially from those who felt we were very good 3D or 4D matches. I also received some “let’s meet up” invites from people who’ve already concluded that we’re strongly compatible, including a few new cuddle invites from women. I think that’s really beautiful. :)

Another positive side effect was that some people with whom I already share a nice connection read that, and they told me just how much they liked it, expressing a desire to connect across more dimensions than we have thus far after recognizing just how compatible we’re likely to be.

I realize now that not sharing this was only keeping people in the dark. There were people already in my life who’d have been happy to connect more deeply, if only they’d known that I was open to it and that we both wanted something similar. Now that they know, this really moves things forward in a delightful way.

Overall I love this. It’s really nice to hear people saying, “Based on what you shared, I’d truly love to develop a closer connecting with you. I really think that we could develop a really nice 3D connection together, and possibly a 4D one.” This makes me feel really good about how my social life will continue to evolve over the next several months. If I seem excited about this, it’s because I am. :)

The feedback wasn’t all rosy, however. Let me share some of the more critical pieces, so you can get some idea of just how polarizing this topic is to some people:

Wow Steve,

I read your meeting in person page, and, basically it’s a long excuse for saying that you are a creepy pervert and will probably end up being a serial killer if your perverted desires don’t get met soon! I think you need to get away for a while and rethink who you are and realize that it is NOT OK to go after everything you desire (serial killers had a desire to rape and kill people, does that make it OK?). Part of being a man is being willing to give your love and attention to ONE woman and not act on your incredibly selfish and perverted desires (which, by the way, are NOT exactly normal, they are the same hyper-desires of killers, rapists, and pedaphiles). I used to look up to you and now I can see that you are just another fucked up individual that probably had a hard time getting woman in your earlier years so now you are trying to fix that problem. It is OK that you didn’t get to fuck the prom queen! But don’t go down this path, it will destroy your reputation. I won’t mention my thoughts about this on my blog (300K uniques per month) right away, but if this is still here in a week, I won’t have a choice.

Here’s another:

Ah you’re grand, I’d be afraid of what I’d catch. You sound like a proper little slapper and a bit of a megalomaniac.

I wouldn’t have thought men would be interested in meeting up with you, but then again, the whole post is just an exercise in stroking your own ego.

“Sometimes I participate in mastermind sessions with my male friends, whereby a bunch of us get together, talk about our goals and challenges, and brainstorm ways to help each other succeed. Obviously I can’t bring other guys into such a group if they’re going to be dead weight.”

What a great opportunity missed to have a good laugh at you and the other geniuses by men of “less caliber”.

Gobshite.  I will read another few articles though, as it’s fun reading stuff from peopple [sic] with your kind of mental disorder.

And a public social media comment:

Really? I have so many people who want me, if you don’t meet my criteria, blow off. Oh, and if I’m going to fuck you, I have to be your master… Blech. He can go fuck himself. (Which I’m sure he would do if he could.) If you’ve never had the “pleasure” of trying to relate to a narcissist, consider yourself lucky. (I’m not sure why he’s looking for partners since he thinks everyone is just a mirage in his “reality”…)

Partly I share this so you know what you may be getting yourself into, should you choose to go a similar route. In this case the feedback is from people over the Internet that I’ve never met as far as I know. My friends have been overwhelmingly supportive.

So just be aware that putting yourself out there and expressing your desires honestly may evoke some critical feedback. This kind of feedback (or perhaps a milder version of it) may even come from people close to you if what you share rubs them the wrong way.

However, negative feedback is typically short-lived. With most of my blog posts, such criticism has a half-life of about 48 hours, meaning that half of all the negative feedback I will ever receive about a blog post comes within the first two days. The rest is spread out across the remaining lifetime of the post. Of course it’s hard to feel too upset when someone criticizes something that was published several years ago. This is just an off the cuff estimate of course; the key point is that such criticism doesn’t have much endurance. So if you go this route, you may want to sit tight the first couple days, let any harshness pass, and invest your energy in following up on the positive feedback and new invitations.

As the negative feedback blows over, the positive ripples become really noticeable. The more I’ve leaned into clarifying, accepting, owning, and then broadcasting my desires (including the predictable consequences of such broadcasting, like getting some critical feedback), the more I shift from wanting to having. Having is better.

Even if I continued to receive a lot more critical feedback like the above, the rewards are more than worth it. When I’m enjoying a delightful cuddle session with a woman I really like, I’m not thinking about the critics. I’m thinking of how appreciative I am to have such a wonderful, heart-centered woman in my life. I’m thinking of how warm, happy, and pleasurable it feels to hold her in my arms. I’m enjoying the sensation of planting soft kisses on her neck and cheeks and gently running my fingers through her hair while we listen to music together. In that moment the only feedback I’m hearing is from her… Mmmm… that feels really good. Keep doing that…

Some people I’ve never met call me names, diagnosing me with mental disorders over the Internet. Meanwhile the women I like and respect tell me they like me, they care about me, they enjoy my company, they love my touch, they want to spend more time together, they want to cuddle-sleep together, they’re happy, they want to do more activities together, etc. Who would you listen to?

Sometimes I share the negative feedback with those women. You know how they respond? Usually they express shock and dismay, then they sometimes laugh, then they look at me with very compassionate eyes, and then they cuddle me closer. In the long run, they end up having more respect for me, knowing that I willingly chose to subject myself to this kind of criticism just to bring them into my life and to spend time with them. That is honestly how this normally plays out.

As Stephen Covey wrote, “When you pick up one end of a stick, you pick up the other end too.” Sometimes one end of that stick is covered in crap, but fortunately that isn’t the end you need to touch.

I really like loving, caring, affectionate, heart-centered women. I’ll walk through a minefield of criticism any day just to spend some time connecting with a woman like that. They’re so worth it.

Now if you’ll please excuse me, I have a cuddle date tonight. :)

Steve Recommends

Releasing Fest – Free online event from Learning Strategies this week only

Site Build It! – Use SBI to start your own money-making website

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Learn to release mental and emotional blocks in a few minutes

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

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Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Saturday, 14 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Meeting in Person'

This is a personal follow-up to my last article about Enjoying Rich and Abundant Relationships. Basically I took that article and went even further with it, which led to a decision to undertake a significant recalibration of my social and relationship life, starting now.

This decision was partly inspired by my time in Europe (I’ve been here for 2.5 weeks so far), but it’s also an extension of a path that’s been unfolding for years.

I spent most of yesterday and half of today journaling, writing, and rewriting my most honest desires for the types of social connections I want to experience in my life going forward. By extension this also required getting clear about what I’m ready to let go of.

The end result was that I added a new page to my website, which contains a disgustingly detailed description of the types of social connections I currently desire. It also spells out the types of connections that I must decline in order to free up more time and energy for more compatible matches.

I’ve had the idea to create a page like this for at least a few years. In fact, I’ve created and then deleted several half-finished versions of it, revisiting the idea from scratch once or twice a year. I never finished and published those versions because none of them felt right to me. They always seemed out of alignment with what I really wanted, like I was still holding back too much. But after writing that recent article on abundant relationships, I finally felt like I had the clarity to do this.

Perhaps there’s also something magical about being in Bucharest, Romania right now that finally gave me the right kind of inspiration to move this idea forward.

I’d expect that more than 99% of people will be turned off by what I shared on that page. They’ll read what I wrote and conclude, “Not for me!” My intention isn’t to offend them but to respectfully yet unambiguously acknowledge our incompatibility. I’d like to avoid wasting anyone’s time on a connection that’s most likely going to fizzle anyway. But the small percentage who resonate strongly with what I’ve shared will have a high degree of certainty that we should definitely connect and that we’re very likely to hit it off.

That new web page is very long and personal, so if this subject is of no interest to you, there’s no point in reading it. But if you’re interested in clarifying your own social desires, you may gain some insights from the structure I used, even if you have no particular resonance with the content.

I get a LOT of requests to meet with people one on one, especially when I travel. Often it’s more than I can handle. For many years I’ve had a love-hate relationship with these invites. In general I love meeting new people, but there are many scenarios that I find draining, such as a meeting that turns into a free coaching session, a promotional pitch, or being used as a shoulder to cry on. Accepting invitations that drain me isn’t a very good way to manage my social life. It causes me to yo-yo from wanting to connect with people and then retreating into solitude to recover.

On the other hand, I also enjoy many social connections that are wonderfully uplifting. I very much want to continue to enjoy more of those.

So my idea was to create a way of filtering meet-up invites in such a way that I can accept those with the greatest potential for a really empowering connection, and respectfully decline those where there clearly isn’t much compatibility. I do this by sharing my desires for connection in great detail and then letting people self-select or self-decline. If they don’t want to bother reading it, then it’s an automatic decline, which I’m also okay with.

I realize that to some people, going to such lengths may seem a bit crazy nutso. Perhaps it is. But for now this feels good to me. Now when anyone wants to connect in person, I can refer them to that page. If it scares them off, that’s okay. But if they love what they see, then we can skip the smalltalk and delve into something deeper from the get-go.

Creating this page was only partly about adopting a new way to filter social invites. The bigger part of this (for myself at least) was to go through the process of clarifying, accepting, and owning my desires more fully than I’ve done before.

I’ve previously written a lot about broadcasting your desires. This isn’t an easy thing to do, but I’ve seen how powerful the results can be. Every time I do this, there’s a part of me that worries the world is going to collapse around me if I finally admit the truth about what I want. But whenever I give myself permission to energetically step into that new world of clarity and release the various blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs that once held me back, the feeling of relief and empowerment is amazing. Of course this is often accompanied by some mild terror, but that eventually fades.

Steve Recommends

Releasing Fest – Free online event from Learning Strategies this week only

Site Build It! – Use SBI to start your own money-making website

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Learn to release mental and emotional blocks in a few minutes

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you’ve found Steve’s work helpful, please donate to show your support.

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Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Enjoying Rich and Abundant Relationships'

How abundant can your relationship life become? Are there any real limits to what you can experience and enjoy with willing partners? In this article I’ll share some candid thoughts about creating more depth in open relationships, including what I’m interested in exploring next.

I really appreciate this exploration of open relationships that I’ve been undertaking for the past 4 years. It’s been a transformational experience to say the least, not all at once but as a gradual process of unfolding and maturing over time. What was once outside my comfort zone is now firmly within it. This is a beautiful place to be, but of course I’m not the kind of person to stop and settle even when things are good. I love to keep finding new ways to learn, grow, and explore.

These days I’d describe my social and relationship life with the following words: abundant, flowing, graceful, exciting, natural, loving, caring, sensitive, expressive, fun, playful, sensual, connected, happy, and fulfilling.

Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed, but when that happens I just back off and take a break; if I feel overwhelmed by invitations, I decline more of them and take time off to recharge my batteries. People are normally very understanding when I need to do this.

Sometimes I make mistakes, in which case I learn something new and make increasingly refined adjustments in my observations and actions. These days I find the mistakes I make to be increasingly minor. I’m getting better at reading people and sensing the flow of where our connection wants to go, as if the energy between us has a mind of its own; when I can tap into that flow, I can more easily cooperate with it.

Finding Compatible Partners

For some people the biggest challenge in exploring open relationships is finding compatible partners. Where are the other open people who can enjoy connecting without needing to lock into an exclusive relationship? Aren’t those people a rare breed? Isn’t it super difficult to find them?

Before you take the leap and commit yourself to a serious exploration of open connections, it’s likely that those people will be invisible to you, just as they were once invisible to me. They may already be in your life, but you won’t see them as being open. They’ll give you the false impression that they’re just like everyone else. And that’s usually because they don’t know if they can trust you yet. To be more blunt, they don’t know if they can trust you not to think and act like a judgmental, socially brainwashed jerk around them. So in the absence of such trust, they’ll choose to remain invisible. But I assure you that they’re already in your life right now, and they could easily introduce you to many more like-minded people, if only they believed you were ready to receive those introductions and not make them regret it.

Since I came out about my interest in open relationships years ago, I’ve had the opportunity to join this inner circle so to speak. I’ve had people I’ve known for years share the truth about their relationships, truths that I didn’t know until I was ready to become a part of that club myself. I’ve been taught the proverbial secret handshakes and such. Every week I hear from others who are either already into open relationships or finally leaning into this path. And now I also share in the responsibility to protect this delightful, open, loving energy from judgmental outsiders who aren’t ready to experience it.

If you really want to explore this path, it’s going to be tough to do that on your own. You’ll probably have a hard time finding like-minded partners. When you’re first starting out, it’s likely that most of the people around you will still be exclusivity-minded. You may try to convince some of them to open up and explore with you. Good luck with that though. It seldom works. People have to choose this path for themselves. Trying to talk someone into it is a losing proposition. It’s way too forced. I don’t recommend even trying that approach.

The easiest way to get started is to receive introductions from someone who’s already on this path. But to make that a possibility for you, step one is to prove that you’re sincere about wanting to explore this lifestyle, even if you’re not sure whether it’s right for you, and to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you aren’t going to be an a-hole towards the people who are already living this way. Prove that your interest is genuine and that you can be cool and humble as you lean into this and learn, and doors will open.

At first this will probably feel pretty awkward. It felt that way for me. That’s okay. Being a beginner at anything is awkward and clumsy. It’s okay to behave and feel like a dork at times. That really isn’t a problem because even the experienced people went through that phase before, so they recognize it in others. Just do your best to accept that this is a phase you must move through. Be okay with the awkwardness. There’s no need to resist it. If you accept it, you’ll learn faster. I can very much respect people who come across as dorky and clumsy but also open-minded and eager to learn. In fact, I probably respect them more than the experts; the beginner phase is a place of great honor.

Leaning Into Openness

Like attracts like. We attract or repel others according to the energy signature we broadcast. If you have negative judgments about non-exclusivity, if you fear being judged for expressing interest in this lifestyle, or if you have limiting beliefs about it (such as believing that it’s too difficult to find good partners), then you’ll have a hard time stepping into this reality.

But once you’re locked into the right mindset and heartset, the new reality starts showing up, and eventually it becomes self-sustaining. I’ve been at that point for a while now. It would be harder for me to change course and go back. If I do nothing, I’ll continue to attract new people into my life who share a similar energy signature in their approach to relationships. We just seem to attract each other with ease and lightness — it doesn’t require serious effort.

I leaned into this relationship style in a variety of ways. I set the intention to explore it, even before I knew whether or not I’d like it. I shared my intentions publicly, clumsily at first, knowing full well that some people would react negatively. I invited new experiences, even before I felt congruent with them, and again with some degree of awkwardness.

I took steps to break orbit from Planet Exclusive and kept moving in the direction of Planet Openness. These early steps were sometimes bumbling and not particularly graceful, but I knew it was unreasonable to expect smoothness without much experience. I gave myself permission to be a beginner and to make plenty of beginner mistakes. I didn’t expect to be very confident or competent at first, but I still took action anyway. I knew that confidence and competence would eventually emerge as I gained experience.

With enough patience, practice, and experience, you’ll eventually lock in to your new reality. That beginner clumsiness will fade. You’ll become more socially calibrated over time. New opportunities will flow into your life with grace, ease, and lightness, and you’ll know how to receive and enjoy them. This is a beautiful place to be. When you get there, I suggest you simply enjoy it for a while. Feel the appreciation and gratitude of the manifestation of your desires. Sooner or later, you’ll begin perceiving new desires, and then you can go explore some more.

The 4 Dimensions of Connection

Human relationships have 4 primary dimensions for connecting: body, mind, heart, and spirit.

Body connections include anything physical, such as touch, cuddling, kissing, and sex.

Mind connections include communicating and sharing ideas; this is the mental aspect of a connection.

Heart connections include the sharing of emotions, including developing feelings for the other person and falling in love.

Spirit connections including helping each other grow, i.e. the overall flavor (or spirit) of a connection

Think about your current relationships, and you’ll realize that each relationship in your life involves some or all of these aspects.

For instance, with a lover you may enjoy a delicious body-heart connection. With a growth-oriented friend, you could enjoy a stimulating mind-spirit connection.

Note also that there are lots of different possibilities to explore depth and variety in each of these dimensions. You could explore a physical connection that only involves casual touch and maybe some cuddling, or you could have the most amazing sex together. You have some quick and basic conversations now and then, or you could spend hours discussing the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

I encourage you to do a quick assessment right now. For each of these 4 dimensions, rate your overall fulfillment in that area in a scale of 1-10. This will help give you a snapshot of which dimensions are already well satisfied and which could use a bit more work. Acknowledging where you’re not feeling too fulfilled is a good step because it will help you align yourself with Truth. Once you’re able to accept where you are, then you can begin clarifying some new desires and moving towards them.

Multi-Dimensional Connections

Over the past 4 years, I’ve enjoyed a wide variety of body, mind, heart, and spirit connections. Many of these connections involved some significant depth, but usually just in one or two areas.

For instance, I get a lot of invitations from people who want to sit down and have a deep conversation together. We may get together for coffee and have a stimulating discussion about topics such as the nature of reality, online business, or open relationships. I generally enjoy these connections if the conversations go deep enough (not just surface thoughts).

That said, I really like it when other dimensions come into play since then the connection becomes even richer. So we might go from discussing a mostly mental topic to sharing some vulnerable stories, thereby expanding into a mind-heart connection. Or we might begin to discuss ways to help each other grow, which takes us into a mind-spirit connection.

Sometimes I consciously nudge the connection into other dimensions, mainly because I find multi-dimensional connections richer and more fulfilling than mono-dimensional ones. If I have the chance to create a mind-heart or mind-spirit connection with someone instead of just a mind only connection, I’ll often do so, as long as it feels natural and flowing to go that route. If it feels awkward or forced, then I’ll stay with the current dimension.

I normally find that other people enjoy these richer connections too. Often they’re surprised by how powerfully and deeply we can connect in a fairly short period of time. For some it’s not a very common experience to enjoy a multi-dimensional connection with someone they’ve just met. For others it can be a little intense compared to what they’re used to.

This way of connecting may be a surprise to some, but it’s a pleasant one. I often get follow-up messages from people afterwards saying how much they enjoyed our chat and how it inspired them to think about parts of their life from a fresh perspective.

These four dimensions of connection complement each other synergistically, so the more dimensions that are introduced, the stronger the connection can be. A good heart connection creates high trust and caring, which makes communication more honest and authentic (no need to try to impress the other person, for instance). A nice body connection (like from cuddling) creates feelings of closeness and intimacy, which also makes it easy to open up more.

When I’m talking with a woman that I like, for instance, I almost always prefer to cuddle her while we talk… or at the very least to hold her hands or touch her frequently while we talk. A stronger physical connection leads to a stronger heart, mind, and spirit connection too.

Of course I always respect people’s boundaries, so if people don’t enjoy being touched, then I won’t go there. That would defeat the purpose because it would add tension and stress to the connection. But if I sense there’s mutual openness to sharing touch, then I’ll gladly invite that, and I’ll appreciatively accept invitations from women to share touch. Because I’ve been so open about this over a long period of time, it’s become normal for women to invite me to cuddle with them, either by verbally telling me upfront or by making it really obvious to me that they’d enjoy being held or touched while we talk. I also find it very easy and natural to issue such invitations myself. Almost all the women that I invite to cuddle gladly accept. Since it’s almost always an automatic yes, and since it creates such a nice connection, cuddle invites are a great way to add an extra dimension to a connection that otherwise might not include a physical/body aspect.

3D and 4D Connections

As I’ve been exploring multi-dimensional connections for a number of years now, my personal preferences have been gradually evolving. These richer connections are very satisfying, but now when I  experience a connection that doesn’t involve at least three dimensions, it feels a bit lacking to me. It’s like watching a movie without sound. Even if the visuals are amazing, I can’t help but feel that something is missing.

So these days I’m finding it increasingly challenging to feel “turned on” by connections that only go deep in one dimension. And lately even two-dimensional connections are starting to feel less satisfying than they used to.

The more I experience and enjoy connections that include at least three dimensions, the less interested I’m becoming in 1D and 2D connections. So if I receive an invite for a stimulating mental conversation, and if I expect it’s unlikely to move into the body, heart, or spirit aspects to a significant degree, I’m feeling more inclined to decline such invites.

This shouldn’t be too surprising, should it? If I’m able to find and experience richer, multi-dimensional connections, it seems reasonable to expect that more constrained connections may become less appealing over time. This isn’t always the case though. Sometimes I prefer and enjoy a mono-dimensional connection that goes very deep. But all else being equal, I can acknowledge a growing preference for multi-dimensional connections. I typically experience them as richer, more satisfying, and more energizing.

Fresh Intentions

My connection experiences over the past few years are causing me to acknowledge some new Rockets of Desire. Instead of just inviting and experiencing more of the same, I’m noticing a longing for even more depth and richness in my connections. I don’t actually need more connections; in fact, I could be happy with fewer ones than I have now. But I’d like the connections I do invite and accept to include more dimensions (meaning three or four dimensions instead of just one or two).

This is causing me to gradually understand and accept a shift in priorities for my social life. Instead of opening myself to lots of different invitations, I’m becoming more selective in filtering for connections that at least have the potential to involve three or four dimensions.

If we consider the options for three-dimensional connections, there are four possibilities:

body-mind-heart – This type of connection has good physical chemistry, stimulating communication, and some nice emotional depth. This could be a very enjoyable way to connect, and it may feel really good, but we’re not really helping each other grow much. Even though it wouldn’t be a major growth experience, I’d openly accept more of these connections. With a strong body-mind-heart connection, the spirit element may soon follow, so this could easily tip into a 4D connection. These types of connections can still make me feel very loved and supported.

body-mind-spirit – This connection has good physical chemistry, stimulating communication, and strong growth potential. But there isn’t a big emotional connection (i.e. not much love). It’s harder for me to want to invite this kind of connection since I’m very open-hearted and normally attract other open-hearted people with ease, but in some circumstances I could see this as a possibility to explore because of the positive growth aspect. This connection could take the form of a connection with someone who’s a bit emotionally closed or wounded, and our connection may serve as part of their healing process. It could also show up as sexual play partner where we learn a lot from each other in that dimension, but there wouldn’t be much love. The heart aspect is pretty important to me, so exploring this type of connection would be a bit of a stretch for me.

body-heart-spirit – This connection has good physical chemistry, lots of emotional depth, and growth potential. But we don’t connect much mentally. I’d be okay with this connection and could even actively invite it. I have no shortage of mental connections in my life, so it’s not a problem for me to experience a connection that doesn’t offer much in the mental aspect. I expect I’d actually find this kind of connection refreshing at times — a chance to experience a more raw form of intimacy without the mental chatter. I’d just need to be careful that the other person wasn’t so mentally incompatible with me that it kills our ability to connect in the other dimensions.

mind-heart-spirit – This connection has stimulating communication, emotional depth, and growth potential. But it doesn’t involve much touch or physicality. This is as deep as I go with my male friends. I have many connections of this nature in my life right now, with men and women alike, and I appreciate them very much. These people are good friends that care about me, resonate with my purpose, and encourage me to keep challenging myself. I’m open to more of these connections, but they show up pretty well on their own, so I don’t necessarily need to actively invite more of them. That said, I’m still moderately open to more connections of this type. They can be pretty rich and fulfilling.

Body Connections and Women

With my male friends, I’m happy to see plenty of mind-heart-spirit connections showing up. Those are great, and I very much want to continue to enjoy and appreciate the abundance there.

With women, however, there’s the potential to explore the body dimension of our connection as well, such as through touch, massage, cuddling, kissing, oral sex, intercourse, threesomes, etc. Since I’m not interested in connecting with men on this dimension, it means that if I want to experience more and richer body-dimension connections and to balance them with mind, heart, and spirit connections, I have to filter for this aspect more strongly in my connections with women. Otherwise the body aspect will be under-represented in my life overall.

This implies that I can’t relate to men and women on equal footing. I could do that if I were perfectly bisexual, but I’m not. I’m 100% straight. And that means that in order to maintain a decent balance across dimensions, I must filter more heavily for women who are open to sharing at least some kind of physical connection.

This has been a difficult realization for me to accept. I suspect there’s an element of social conditioning that I need to unload here — the conditioning that tells me that I should relate to men and women equally when it comes to connection invitations, i.e. that when it comes to invitations to connect in the dimensions of mind, heart, and/or spirit, I must be gender neutral. However, I can’t do that if I’m to create a reasonable sense of balance here.

In fact, I need to do just the opposite. I need to over-represent the body aspect in my connections with women since that aspect will definitely be under-represented in my connections with men. This means that even if I get a nice offer from a woman to explore a mind-heart-spirit connection together, I’m going to need to decline those invitations much of the time. But if that same invitation comes from a man, I can be a lot more liberally in accepting. That’s because if I accept more mind-heart-spirit connections from women, I won’t have as much time to explore connections that include the body aspect. It’s a matter of opportunity cost.

This of course presumes that balanced connections are important, and for me that’s true.

I feel that this is a mistake I’ve made in the past. I would accept mind-heart-spirit connections with equal interest whether they came from men or women. It seems unfair, sexist, or otherwise dishonest to have one standard for men and another standard for women with respect to these types of connections. But now I realize that I can’t apply the same preferences to men and women alike. I’m not neuter, and I’m not bisexual. I can’t explore the body aspect with men in the ways I can with women. So I absolutely must skew my connection preferences with women to over-emphasize the body aspect.

Rationally it should be fairly obvious why this is so. But of course limiting beliefs have a way of sneaking below the rational radar and making themselves seem sensible and correct. The idea that I’m supposed to treat connection opportunities in a largely gender-neutral matter is a load of falsehood that I’m finally unloading. The simple truth is that in order to create an overall balance between the four aspects of connection in my life, I need to favor physical connections with women to such a degree that I decline a lot more invites from women if the door to a physical connection is closed.

Some of my male friends have figured this out in their own way, such as by declaring that they can’t have female friends that they don’t sleep with. I can see why that makes sense to them. I don’t find it necessary to be that strict, but I do see the importance of putting more emphasis on physical connections with women and letting go of more connections with women that don’t include at least some degree of physical connection.

Does this mean that if a woman doesn’t want to connect physically at all, or if she has to rule that out for some reason (such as already being in an exclusive relationship), that I’d be less inclined to be her friend? Yes, that’s exactly what it means. If I don’t do that, then I’m sentencing myself to a guaranteed imbalance across the four dimensions of connection. It means the body aspect will always be lagging behind the other three aspects.

If I invite and explore too many connections with women that don’t have the body aspect present, it means I’m delaying or avoiding the possibility of experiencing a strong 3D connection that involves the body aspect, and I’m also ruling out the potential for an amazing 4D connection.

If it seems like I’m still leaning into this realization and not fully there yet, that would be a fair assessment. On the one hand, I appreciate having great female friends even if there’s no body connection to speak of (not even cuddling). On the other hand, my interest in inviting and accepting more connections of that nature is definitely waning. I already have plenty of mind-heart-spirit connections with men and women alike, but I can only explore the other three types of 3D connections with women. So be it.

The truth is that my connections with women have already been leaning in this direction for quite some time. Even though it took me some time to figure this out consciously, my subconscious seems to have done the math earlier, causing me to begin filtering for more body-aspect connections with women even before I was aware that it made sense to do that.

Sexual Polarity

The main issue here is one of opportunity cost. If I invest a lot of time and energy in partial matches that will likely never go beyond that, then I’m stealing time from investing in potentially richer connections. It’s like continuing to climb the ladder of success at your current job when you already know you’d rather be in a different line of work. At some point you need to start withdrawing energy from the old, so you can invest it in the new.

With women I invite a lot of cuddling and touch these days, and that almost always opens the door to a nice body-heart connection. Then from there it’s easier to explore the mind and spirit aspects as well.

As close as my connections with men can go, they’ll never go as deep as my connections with women can. There’s something beautiful about the polarity differences between men and women in that regard. The addition of the body aspect opens the door to even deeper connections in the areas of mind, heart, and spirit.

4D Connections

body-mind-heart-spirit – The ultimate connection is four-dimensional. This connection is truly holistic — good physical chemistry, great communication, emotional depth, and growth potential. Our bodies give and receive pleasure. Our minds co-create and share ideas. Our hearts radiate love. And our spirits take an empowering journey together. For me this connection can only happen with a woman.

Is this a rarity? Is this the one true soulmate that I’m seeking? No.

The truth is that I already enjoy an amazing 4D connection with my girlfriend Rachelle. I find her incredibly sexy, and our physical chemistry together is off the charts. Our communication is open, honest, and stimulating; we enjoy many delightful conversations together. We’re very much in love; people often tell me they can see how in love we are when I show them pictures of us together. And we help each other learn and grow in a variety of ways.

I love, love, love the connection that Rachelle and I share, and I know she feels the same. It’s precious to us. I have no desire to replace it. I do, however, feel that there’s the capacity for more of these connections. A 4D connection is unique and special; experiencing more than one doesn’t detract from that specialness.

I’ve explored enough 1D, 2D, and 3D connections to see that they keep pointing to the greater potential richness of a 4D connection. And since I’ve obviously had time to explore lots of connections in general, I don’t see a problem carving out the time to explore at least one more 4D connection. But in order to do that, I have to stop investing so much time and energy in 1D and 2D connections, so I can free up more time to explore 3D and 4D ones. Again, it’s a matter of opportunity cost.

Attracting lots of 1D and 2D connections is easy for me. I could occupy myself every day with those types of connections if I wanted to, and sometimes I’ve gone through periods where it felt like I was doing exactly that. At one point these types of connections were exciting and fulfilling. Lucky me, my social life is very rich and vibrant, I thought.

But now I’m noticing an increasingly intense longing for more 3D and 4D connections. Those 1D and 2D offers just aren’t as appealing anymore. I find myself increasingly likely to decline them — or at least to batch them. For instance, as I’m currently in Bucharest, I’m receiving a lot of invites from people who’d like to meet up and talk. While those kinds of offers once interested me, a general invitation like that isn’t quite enough anymore. There’s too great a risk that I’ll be left feeling drained if I accept such invitations. Usually it’s a fan of my blog who wants to experience a mind or mind-heart connection at best… sometimes mind-spirit and very occasionally mind-heart-spirit.

This may sound pretty selfish, but when I decline those invites, it gives me the time and energy to enjoy a much more appealing 3D body-heart-something connection with a woman. Instead of talking to a guy over coffee, I’ll usually favor cuddle-talking with a woman, often while simultaneously hanging out with other friends with whom I already share a strong mind-heart-spirit connection. This gives me the experience of a 4D connection even though the four dimensions are spread across multiple people.

Is this selfish? Perhaps. But when I take care of myself and honor my desires in this manner, it gives me an increased capacity to write deep, honest, raw truth articles like this one. Or I could go enjoy some coffee talk with a guy, but I probably won’t feel inspired as much afterwards. So while this may be a selfish pursuit, I think that’s a good thing. It leaves me feeling more balanced, and it increases my capacity to give.

No matter how well I may connect with another guy, there’s no substitute for a quality connection with a woman. Women are so much better at leaving me feeling loved, cared for, appreciated, and inspired. If you find this dynamic unfair, you’ll have to take it up with a higher power.

So if you happen to be a guy who’d really like to get together and chat over coffee, that may be a possibility, but if your offer is in competition with a cuddle invite from a woman, it’s fair to say that I’ll usually decline the coffee. I hope you can understand that.

I probably still have some blocks and limiting beliefs to work through on this path, but I’m willing to lean into this and see where it leads. I’m an explorer, and exploring entails some risk. I’d rather take a risk here, fail, and learn something, than never try.

I think part of me knows that if I lean into this, I’ll succeed. I’ve seen that when I leaned into other experiences, even when I felt they were quite a stretch, they actually showed up. The barriers were all imaginary. It just takes time to realize that the barriers are imaginary and then to decide to let them go.

So presently I’m acknowledging the intention to enjoy more body-something-something connections with women as well as to invite holistic body-mind-heart-spirit connections (obviously with women as well). I have no desire to try to convince anyone that this is a good idea for them. But I know there are women out there who’d enjoy this type of exploration together. And so I invite them into my life to share, explore, learn, and grow together. :)

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