Wednesday, 30 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Which Politicians Are Sellouts on Food Safety?'

How do you know which U.S. politicians are voting against your best interests on food safety issues, thereby reducing the overall quality, nutrition, and healthfulness of the U.S. food supply?

And how can you tell which politicians are actually voting to protect our food supply, helping to pass laws to improve quality and safety standards?

As it turns out, there’s a very convenient resource at Food Policy Action that summarizing the historical voting record of each state’s senators and representatives, assigning each one a score from 0% (total sell-out) to 100% (protecting your best interests).

Looking at the voting records is a good way to see past the rhetoric and get a clear summary of your reps’ actual behavior.

Just click on your state, and you’ll see all your state’s reps listed with their scores.

For my state of Nevada, our two Senators scored as follows:

  • Harry Reid (Democrat) – 100%
  • Dean Heller (Republican) – 0%

So strictly in terms of their voting records, Harry Reid is doing an excellent job of voting to make the U.S. food supply safer and healthier (pro food safety), while Dean Heller is voting to trash it (anti food safety).

The votes for Nevada’s representatives fall along party lines as well:

  • Steven Horsford (Democrat) – 92%
  • Dina Titus (Democrat) – 85%
  • Joe Heck (Republican) 31%
  • Mark Amodei (Republican) – 8%

So in Nevada, our politicians are essentially canceling each other out.

In neighboring California, the situation is a little better since they have two Democratic Senators. Their scores are:

  • Barbara Boxer (Democrat) – 100%
  • Dianne Feinstein (Democrat) – 83%

California has dozens of representatives, and their votes also fall across party lines, with Democrats generally voting to protect U.S. food safety and Republicans voting to trash it.

Voting-wise that makes the math pretty simple. If you favor having healthier and more nutritious food, less crap in the food supply (antibiotics, pesticides, harmful GMOs, etc), better labeling, and higher food quality standards overall, favor Democrats over Republicans if/when you vote. But check the results for your own state just to be sure.

A major food safety issue where Californians totally dropped the ball was in voting against GMO labeling laws last year, but that’s because Monsanto and their allies spent $60 million to put out such a ridiculous avalanche of false information that they convinced many ignorant voters to vote against their own best interests, mainly by scaring them into thinking it would cost them a lot of money if GMO foods were labeled as such. But of course that’s ridiculous since 60+ countries and several U.S. states already have such laws, and it doesn’t increase the cost of food. What it actually does is help people decide not to buy genetically-modified foods (which are repeatedly being shown to be unsafe).

Now Monsanto’s big push is in trying to get the labeling of GMOs made illegal at the national level, thereby trumping all state laws. So given the track record of the above, it looks like they’ll have a lot more Republicans on their side than Democrats.

This makes me curious though… what are the Republicans going to eat?

P.S. I encountered this resource (and many others) while listening to the Food Revolution Summit this week. This is an incredible series of online interviews hosted by John and Ocean Robbins. It continues to run through May 4th, with new interviews posted every day. I’ve listened to every single interview so far. It’s very empowering to learn what practical action steps we can take to help create positive ripples in the world. I encourage you to sign up for it and tune in as well.

Steve Recommends

Food Revolution Summit (Free) – Adopt a healthy and energizing lifestyle

Spring Forest Healingfest (Free) – Learn to heal yourself with qi gong

Site Build It! – Start your own money-making website

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster (discount for my readers)

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success (discount for my readers)

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Release emotional blocks in a few minutes

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you’ve found Steve’s work helpful, please donate to show your support.

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Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Taking Action is More Important than Brains – 3 Ways to Take Better Action as an Entrepreneur'

Taking action more important than brains
There is one thing that all entrepreneurs I’ve ever talked with agree on:

You need to take action and do stuff.

Nothing ever happened from just thinking or talking about it.

This is an important trait to have as an entrepreneur, to be action oriented. However we’re not all created the same, and some are better at taking action than others.

There is no right or wrong profile when you want to become an entrepreneur, all I say is that most of the ones I’ve talked with almost all were action oriented.

Of course I’m not telling you not to plan or don’t think things through, however I am saying that as long as your thinking and analyzing you are not getting closer to the actual goal that will involve in you actually acting on a given plan.

Actually just recently a professor from BI Norwegian Business School were quoted from saying that in many organizations, there is a strong focus on attracting people with academic backgrounds, however these same people have a bias for more talking and action.

Here is what Jan Ketil Arnulf said about collaboration in the workplace (my translation):

Arnulf Jan KetilThe problem with a lot of intelligent people is that they discuss too much. In a team of academics there is more talk than action. Intelligence is a questionable and exaggerated resource, which is pushed in the schools. Taking action is more important than intelligence.

Translated from Danish

Taking action is more important than intelligence. -Jan Ketil Arnulf
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3 ways to take action as an entrepreneur

See… Even crazy Scandinavian professors agree with me on this. It must be a fact…

Brains are overrated when it comes to achieving great results :)

Instead you should focus on doing and building things of value. Most mistakes and changes are more often than not easily fixed down the line.

Launch sooner than later

now, later You cannot predict a market. A business plan might be useful if you need to go to the bank and get a loan, however as a working document it isn’t really worth much.

The problem is that the second you finish writing it, the world has changed.

Also it can be incredible hard to predict both your customers’ buying behavior, but also their requirements to a given product.

You might think that you have everything nailed down and you know exactly what your potential customers would like a product. However you cannot know for sure.

And you will most likely have to change your product according to your customers wishes once you launch anyway, so why not just launch a minimum viable product.

A minimum viable product is the simplest thing you can offer your customers. No bells and whistles just the core value.

Gall’s Law of System Design tells us that:

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked

A complex system that works evolved from a simple system that worked
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So start small and expand. A positive side effect from launching early is that you will have paying customers funding the continued development of your product (and you then only develop what your customers require).

Timebox any analysis or knowledge gathering task

timeboxIf you get trapped in a never ending analysis phase (or “analysis paralysis“), it’s time to set a deadline.

Heck you might even do this before you begin.

Set aside a given period of time where you will analyze or plan a certain element of your business.

(and stick to it)

Once you have spent that time, you need to act on whatever information you found out.

The problem with too much analysis is the belief in “perfection”.

Unfortunately perfect only exists as a word.
Nothing is ever perfect. Everything can be improved.

However our minds will strive to achieve this anyway. And therefore we will always believe that we should know just a little bit more before we move on.

By clearly allocating a fixed amount of time upfront, we change the goal from “perfection” (that is hard to achieve) to a goal about time (the deadline) that is much more achievable.

So timebox your analysis and planning phase to avoid falling into analysis paralysis.

Avoid analysis paralysis by timeboxing your analysis tasks
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Produce more than you consume

apple tvIt’s soooo easy to consume…. Just put me in front of Netflix and a couple of my favorite series.

But remember! If you’re an entrepreneur you are dedicated to producing something that other people can consume, not be a consumer yourself!

OK, it’s hard to not consume anything yourself. I’m not saying that you should become a monk and not own anything at all.

However I am saying that you should watch your consuming/producing balance.

One of the most powerful videos on “producing” that I’ve seen numerous times are from the earlier days of Steve Jobs.

It’s under two minutes long, but YOU NEED TO WATCH IT

You want to produce products and services that others consume

Entrepreneurs should focus on producing over consuming
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Focus on taking bold action and doing stuff

Our minds will often hold us back because of the fear of failure, however this will only give us a false feeling of security, because doing nothing made us achieve exactly nothing.

If you want to become an entrepreneur you need to do something at some point, and if you want my advice you might just as well begin today.

So take one action today that will bring you closer to creating a product or a service (and it cannot be an analysis or plan ;)).

Are you taking bold action? It’s ok to brag in the comments!!!

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Monday, 28 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'What Is Your Greatest Achievement?'

My 25-year high school reunion is next month. I’ll probably go. My best friend from high school intends to go (we’ve been friends for almost 30 years now), and it will be fun to catch up with other old friends.

There can be some amusement at a high school reunion as you see that everyone has grown fatter, balder, and more married. The jock is now an insurance salesperson with two kids. The star of the school play now manages a restaurant. That sort of thing…

When I reflect back on what I’ve learned in the past 25 years since graduating high school, I ask myself what accomplishments I appreciate most. I’m not interested in showing off to my peers. I simply wonder how I’d answer this for myself.

My high school self was a straight-A student, graduating with top honors, excited about going to college, and following the path that society had laid out for him. I was expected to continue along that path. I excelled in school partly because my goals aligned with other people’s expectations. I had little social resistance and plenty of social support for most of what I wanted to do. Nobody tried to talk me out of pursuing a computer science degree.

The real tests came when I wanted to do something that other people didn’t agree with, such as starting my own business or going vegetarian. For whatever reason, those types of tests came up often for me.

Because of the path I followed since high school, I strengthened my independent will. Today I’m able to follow my conscience and made decisions based on my character, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings on a matter, and not be overly dissuaded from my course even if many people around me disagree. I’m capable of following my path with a heart in ways that would surprise my high school self.

Back in high school, it was a big deal for me to share with a few close friends that I didn’t believe in the whole Christian god story anymore. Now I find it much easier to share my thoughts and feelings openly regardless of how people may react. Religion is spiritual immaturity, the fool’s path of growth. If people feel a need to go kittywompus when they hear me say that, I let them go kittywompus.

Today I take better advantage of my freedom than my high school self ever did. He felt very constrained, but he still honored most of the constraints that other people placed around him. I’ve since lost respect for externally imposed constraints. I do value constraints, but only if they align with my values. If I don’t agree with other people’s rules or conventions, I largely ignore them. I still consider predictable consequences, but I don’t follow rules merely for the sake of following rules. I think for myself and make decisions based on what I think is right, regardless of what the standard procedure is supposed to be.

If I hadn’t been able to develop my independent will, I wouldn’t have been able to go vegan. I wouldn’t have been able to leave an unfulfilling marriage. I wouldn’t have started two businesses. I wouldn’t be blogging or speaking publicly. I wouldn’t have given away the copyrights to my work.

Often when I talk to people my own age, I find it hard to relate to them. So many of my peers seem overly scared… so fearful of taking risks. They’re afraid to lose what they have, but the irony is that they don’t even appreciate what they have. Most of the time their fear isn’t about taking on risks for themselves. Quite often they’re willing and able to do that. Their greater fear is dealing with people’s judgments of them, especially if they fail to achieve their goals quickly.

What if I fail and my family thinks I’m a loser?

So they’ll think you’re a loser. That doesn’t even matter. You have no obligation to impress them. Follow your path. Let them do the same. If you fail, then fail with style, and take pride in that. Then get up and try again. Stop making failure into this big scary beast. It’s just a road bump. There will be lots of road bumps in your life if you want to do anything remotely interesting.

What if I fail and my spouse leaves me?

Then s/he wasn’t much of a spouse to begin with. This will be a good test to see if you chose someone who can handle you being you. If not, good riddance. You’ll find a better match afterwards. If you want to develop your courage, and you marriage someone who’s afraid of that, don’t expect that relationship to last.

What if I lose all my money?

Then you’ll have no money. You can start fresh and earn more. The game doesn’t end just because your gold gets low. The point of the game is to grow, not to acquire gold. If you get on an interesting path of growth, you may very well lose all your money, perhaps multiple times. You may as well get used to it.

These are the kinds of fears that hold people back so much in life.

I’m relieved that I didn’t turn out that way, that I embraced a path of experimentation and failure — and that I find pleasure and meaning in decisions that don’t always turn out well.

I feel good about how far I’ve come since high school, but that feeling isn’t due to external accomplishments that might impress anyone else. I feel good about becoming a man who can act in alignment with his conscience, even when everyone else disagrees.

I don’t eat animal products. I consider it unethical.

I don’t have a regular job. Doing repetitive work for pay seems like a waste of life. It’s not worth the reduction in freedom.

I give away most of my creative work for free (and uncopyrighted), so anyone can share it easily. That feels good to me.

My thoughts, feelings, and behaviors aren’t that unusual. Many people feel the same as I do about these subjects. They agree that it would be more ethical to drop animal products. They’d rather not spend years of their life working for someone else. And they like the idea of expressing their creativity and contributing. The difference is that they let their fears about other people’s reactions stop them from making a bigger push in those directions.

I feel very fortunate that something inside me popped and said, “Nope, can’t live like that.”

In reflecting back on the past 25 years, the achievement I’m most proud of was to become a man who finds it unnecessary to satisfy others’ expectations of him. That gave me the freedom to create a life that I enjoy and appreciate.

I also look forward to the possibility that another 25 years from now, my future self may look back once again and reflect upon how much he’s grown. I cannot know what he’ll be like, but I can predict that his path would surprise me. I like that.

What’s your greatest life achievement thus far? What accomplishments do you appreciate the most? Would you name one of your public wins? Or one of your private victories?

Steve Recommends

Food Revolution Summit (Free) - Adopt a healthy and energizing lifestyle

Spring Forest Healingfest (Free) - Learn to heal yourself with qi gong

Site Build It! - Start your own money-making website

Lefkoe Method - Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

PhotoReading - Read books 3 times faster (discount for my readers)

Paraliminals - Condition your mind for positive thinking and success (discount for my readers)

Getting Rich with Ebooks - Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Sedona Method (FREE audios) - Release emotional blocks in a few minutes

The Journal - Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

Life on Purpose - A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you've found Steve's work helpful, please donate to show your support.

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Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Thursday, 24 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Help Us Transform the Medical and Food Industries'

In 2010 the USA spent $444 billion treating heart disease, which is the #1 killer of Americans. About 1 in 3 Americans has some form of cardiovascular disease right now. Close to a million Americans will have a heart attack this year. About 25% of the time, the first observed symptom of heart disease is sudden death.

That $444 billion is a lot of money, but how much is it really? Let’s put that number into context for you. Revenue-wise this is about the size of the entire U.S. entertainment and media sector (E&M). This includes the entire film industry (movies, videos, Hollywood, indie films, etc), the TV industry (broadcast TV, cable TV, Internet TV, TV advertising), the entire music industry, the entire video game industry, the book publishing industry, the radio industry, the advertising industry (print, online, mobile), all newspapers, all magazines, Internet access providers, and a few related industries – combined!

Add up the combined revenue of all these different industries across the entire entertainment and media sector of the economy, and that’s what Americans are spending just on heart disease — every year.

Imagine what we could do with that level of investment if we could transfer it to some other industry. The cost of NASA’s entire Space Shuttle program was about $200 billion, and that was spread out over 40 years. We’re spending that much on heart disease every five months. If not for heart disease, I could be blogging from Mars right now.

Moreover, this number is expected to increase massively in the coming years. The American Heart Association commissioned a report that projects that annual U.S. spending on heart disease will reach $818 billion by the year 2030. I, for one, think this is an absolutely ridiculous waste of resources. I’d rather see us launching four new Space Shuttle style programs per year than throwing away money on a highly preventable and reversible lifestyle illness.

That’s a lot of money, isn’t it? But heart disease spending is only 1/6 of the entire healthcare industry. So take the entire E&M sector and now multiply it by six, and that’s roughly the size of the healthcare industry in terms of annual revenue. It’s a behemoth to be sure. And it’s growing.

So where is this money going? What kind of bang per buck are we getting for such a monstrous investment of resources?

Where Is the Money Going?

Most of that $444 billion for heart disease (about 77% of it) is spent on treatment, especially drugs and surgery. But this “treatment” in most cases isn’t even intended to cure or reverse the disease. Most of it goes towards treating the symptoms, whereby the heart disease patients within this system aren’t routinely being cured. It would be more accurate to say that their conditions are being managed and monitored, quite often while the disease continues to worsen.

About 22% of that money goes towards prevention, and another 0.1% is spent on prevention research. That in itself is a lot of money to be sure, but it’s important to note that the bulk of this investment is being spent on managing heart disease as opposed to preventing or reversing it.

What do you think? Is this a good use of resources? Do you consider this a wise investment?

It’s also known, even among many industry participants, that heart disease is largely a lifestyle illness which is not only highly preventable but also incredibly reversible. If you’d like to virtually ensure that you don’t succumb to a heart attack during your lifestyle, the steps to do that are already known.

Reversing Heart Disease

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has a terrific book that explains precisely what to do to prevent and reverse heart disease. It was published in 2008. Esselstyn discovered that too much fat in a person’s diet is the main cause of heart disease. Even a diet that includes only plant fats can lead to this condition. This is old news. What I found interesting is just how low the fat has to be to make a difference.

Dr. Esselstyn puts his patients on a low-fat vegan diet — really low-fat, as is not a single drop of oil and usually no nuts or seeds at all. The goal is to keep dietary fat intake below 10% of total calories. The vast majority of the time, the patients’ who follow this approach not only stop their heart disease from getting worse — they actually reverse it, meaning that their veins and arteries begin to unclog themselves from cholesterol deposits. Esselstyn’s book includes some photos showing the improvement. Theories are one thing, but improvement that can be seen with our eyes and measured with modern equipment is a lot more convincing.

Dr. Esselstyn deals with some of the sickest people around, including those who’ve had multiple heart attacks, multiple bypass surgeries, and/or severe angina (chest pain). These are people who have to either change their lifestyles, or deal with the risk of sudden death every day.

On a personal note, I don’t have heart disease, but I’m curious to know what effect Esselstyn’s diet might have, so I’m going to give it a 30-day trial soon, probably for the month of May. I’ve done previous 30-day trials of low-fat diets (i.e. 10% of calories from fat or less), but that was with raw foods. I’m curious to see what difference it makes if I focus on eliminating all fats and oils for a while.

What I like about Esselstyn’s approach is that it’s backed up by hard data. His book does a good job of explaining the science behind heart disease, and it includes many photos showing how the insides of his patients changed over time.

Esselstyn’s recommended diet is very simple. The rules are strict, but they aren’t complicated or ambiguous. There’s no guesswork. There’s no need to count calories or measure what you eat. You can eat as much as you want. You simply don’t put certain items into your body at all, ever. So either you’re following the plan, or you aren’t. There are no cheat days. Because of the simplicity, Esselstyn’s patients can generally comply with the requirements.

Esselstyn’s solution is heart disease is 100% dietary. No exercise needed. No group therapy sessions. No affirmations. There are other doctors who’ve been seeing great results with similar diets, but they take a more holistic approach by incorporating meditation and other mind-body practices. Esselstyn’s approach only changes what you eat. That does the job, and he provides data to show the results, both short-term and long-term.

What kind of success rate is Dr. Esselstyn seeing? He reports that about 99% of his patients who comply with the program are reversing their heart disease. Not only that, he’s finding that this way of eating is making his patients heart-attack proof in the long run. Once their cholesterol levels get low enough (below 150 total cholesterol and below 80 for LDLs), they stop having heart attacks altogether.

Since the solution relies on habit change, reversing heart disease essentially becomes a personal growth challenge. Once you know what to do, the real challenge is getting yourself to actually do it.

Did you already know this, or is this new information for you?

So why is the medical industry pouring so much money into managing the conditions of a disease that’s curable?

Good question. There are many possible answers, but one of the simplest is that since the cure relies on habit change, it falls outside a typical doctor’s area of expertise. To apply the solution, a doctor must essentially play the role of a long-term personal coach or health coach.

But what if the patient resists making a lifestyle change? What if the family is unsupportive of such changes? What if the patient quits after a few months or a year?

These are solvable problems, but they aren’t easy to solve. Medical schools don’t normally do a good job of training doctors to effectively handle these kinds of problems. Furthermore, patients don’t normally expect these kinds of solutions from their doctors. And of course, the financial incentives for the medical profession aren’t very well aligned with investing in a long-term coaching relationship with every patient who’s dealing with a chronic lifestyle disease. A doctor who sees dozens of patients per day simply doesn’t have that kind of time.

On top of this, we live in a society that doesn’t do such a great job of holistically supporting this kind of change. How many restaurants offer a decent, tasty menu of items with no added fat, for instance? How many people can count on their friends and family members to support them on this path?

A Societal Challenge

Our challenge in reversing such conditions is a societal one. We can’t put the whole burden on the patients, the doctors, the food companies, or on any one single party. We’re all in this together.

Doctors have enough on their plate already. Many are overwhelmed with stress. Some studies have found that medical doctors are often less mentally healthy and more prone to depression and suicide than the general population. Is blaming and shaming them for the failure of their profession going to do us any good? Rattling the cage a bit might help to wake some people up, but in the long run we need a more sustainable approach to transformation.

The simple reality is that heart disease is a huge revenue generator. So is cancer. So is diabetes. So is dementia. There are vested interests that would suffer enormous financial blows if this disease were simply done away with. Do you really expect an industry this enormous to just lie down and accept a $444 billion pay cut? Not a chance. Of course some of those interests are going to fight to protect this revenue stream.

The problem for the medical field is that preventing or curing heart disease wouldn’t bring in $444 billion per year. Only prolonging the disease and stringing people along can bring in that kind of money. Curing heart disease is ridiculously cheap relative to treating the symptoms. And when people take the steps to reverse heart disease, they may very well reverse other unhealthful conditions too, thereby costing the medical industry even more money. The problem is largely an economic one. There is a solution, but it isn’t nearly as profitable as not solving the problem. So financially speaking, NOT solving the problem is the industry’s solution. In fact, with so much expected revenue growth, heart disease is not a problem for the industry. It’s a gold mine. Treating the symptoms and prolonging illness IS the industry’s current solution.

Now the question is — do you want to make these “solutions” your own when you have a health problem to deal with? Is this the kind of system that you’d like to patronize as a customer? Do you want to be cured once and leave… or would you prefer to be invited to participate as a source of ongoing income?

I’m not suggesting that this is the desired solution that an individual doctor would want to apply to their patients’ lives. The reality is that many doctors themselves are struggling against the challenges of the system within which they find themselves. Sometimes herculean efforts and serious career risks are required just to initiate basic, common sense procedures that are already known to save lives, such as increasing the reporting and analysis of medical errors or strictly following existing checklists.

Creating a Revolution

Despite these issues, I’m super optimistic about the current situation. I see a lot of positive change happening, and it’s very encouraging. More doctors are speaking out about the dysfunctions of the system, even risking their careers to do so. More patients are educating themselves. The Internet is making more information accessible to people. Collectively, we’re no longer in the dark as much as we were a couple decades ago.

Did you know that the former President and Vice President of the USA, Bill Clinton and Al Gore, have both gone vegan? This is very encouraging sign of things to come.

Did you know that a campaign to push General Mills to stop using genetically modified ingredients succeeded, and that Cheerios are now GMO-free.

These are small shifts to be sure, but we’re starting to create some momentum in the right direction. The tide is starting to turn.

I don’t think the solution is to abandon the existing system completely. I still believe it can transform — even the people working within it are desperate to see it transform now. Change will happen, but it won’t happen overnight. This kind of transformation will require a great deal of external and internal pressure over many years. More people need to raise their awareness about what’s going on. More people will need to stand up and be brave. More campaigns will need to be launched and more battles fought. But in the end, I think the conscious-minded revolutionaries are going to win.

It would be nice if we could all simply relax and trust food companies to provide us with healthy food to eat, if we could trust healthcare providers to coach and cure us where cures are known, and if we could trust political representatives to make healthy decisions on our behalf. That would all be nice, but it isn’t going to happen by itself, and it isn’t going to happen quickly. We can move the behemoth, but it’s going to be slow to change course. It’s going to take a lot of poking and prodding to get it moving in a smarter direction.

So our current situation is this: While the state of affairs is gradually improving, we still have a long way to go. Consequently, you cannot at present afford to be so blind and ignorant regarding what types of food you eat. Some foods are safe and healthy. Many, unfortunately, are not. Many of the items that you can still buy on the shelves of any major grocery store, including Whole Foods, are known to be toxic and will poison your body and mind over the long run.

I wish that wasn’t the case, but the evidence is overwhelming. In many cases, even the industry insiders are unwilling to eat their own products. For instance, the vast majority of poultry inspects say they will never eat chicken. That’s a hint and a half that it would be a serious mistake to eat it.

I understand that many of these issues may be invisible to you. Unfortunately this is a situation where ignorance won’t protect you. If it’s within my power to do so, I’d rather see you well-armed with the knowledge of how to prevent some serious but highly preventable problems. One small tweak to what you eat right now could save you a cancer diagnosis down the road.

The Power of Simple Changes

I understand that you may feel some resistance to making big lifestyle changes. I’m not asking you to do that. For now, I’m just inviting you to educate yourself. You may be surprised at just how many small, simple, painless tweaks you can make to your eating choices that could save you a lot of grief down the road.

For example, one simple change you should make ASAP is to avoid eating products that contain Monsanto’s GMO corn, which has been linked to cancer, liver damage, organ failure, kidney damage, and early death. So for instance, you should never eat Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Corn Pops, or Frosted Flakes. If you’re going to eat any cereal containing corn, only buy products that specifically list organic or non-GMO corn. If the corn isn’t labeled as non-GMO or organic, it’s almost certain to be GMO, so definitely do not put that into your body. It isn’t safe.

Is this a difficult tip to apply? Of course not. Could you make it a habit to avoid risky corn products and stick with the ones that are labeled organic or non-GMO? Of course you could. Isn’t that better than seeing your liver or kidneys fail?

Would you rather have eaten your Corn Flakes in blind ignorance, mistakenly thinking they’re healthy? Or would you rather learn some simple truths, so you can make better decisions starting immediately?

How are you feeling mentally these days? Does your mind feel sharp, alert, and bright? Do you have high mental stamina? Could you write all day — and enjoy it? Or do you often feel foggy, confused, or unfocused? When you eat healthy and avoid the unsafe foods, you should feel like a creative genius.

How are you feeling emotionally? Are you generally happy? Do you feel good in your body?

Is it easy for you to wake up early feeling motivated to start your day? Do you sleep restfully each night?

If you think the foods you eat aren’t affecting you mentally and emotionally, think again. What you put in your mouth has an enormous impact on how sharp your mind is and how good you feel. If you aren’t feeling so good, or if your mind feels sluggish, you may be able to change that with a few simple tweaks. Do you know what to tweak though?

Rebellion vs. Revolution

Rebelling against this system is one way of dealing with the current situation. Sometimes as individuals the best we can do is to opt out in various ways. But that doesn’t help our friends and family members who are still getting sucked into a system that’s hurting and slowly killing them.

The Internet is collectively empowering us to have other options today. We now have the power to make serious inroads into transforming behemoths like the medical and food industries and to start making the changes that even the growth-oriented people within those systems would like to see happen as well. Although the system itself may not be serving us, many of the people still working within the old system truly want to see it transformed.

So the good news is that this is a great time to get involved in helping to create a healthier planet for all of us.

Starting this Saturday, Ocean and John Robbins are hosting a free online event called the Food Revolution Summit. It runs for 9 days, from April 26 to May 4. And again, it’s free.

The point of this summit is to:

  1. Give you some up-to-date facts about the relative safety and healthfulness of different food choices, so you can make better decisions about what to eat and what to avoid.
  2. Empower, encourage, and support you on your path to a healthier lifestyle.
  3. Invite you to participate in this ongoing movement to transform the food products and healthcare industries, for the highest good of all.

What I shared above is just a small fraction of the kind of information that will be shared during the summit. If you’d like to learn even more along these lines, please do yourself the favor of visiting the Food Revolution Summit webpage to learn more about it.

I’ll be joining you. I’m already signed up for the summit and will be tuning in to the sessions as well. I’m as much a student of this material as anyone else.

Here’s how you can benefit from the upcoming summit…

1. Learn the Truth

Learn the truth about food and medicine from leading health advocates, scientists, doctors, and researchers like Dean Ornish, Mark Hyman, Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, and Neal Barnard, including…

  • Food Revolution SummitThe latest health research and what the current data is telling us
  • The truth about sugar
  • The truth about GMOs, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and organic foods
  • How carbs, gluten, fat, and sugar can affect your weight, energy, and sleep
  • Which foods are safe to keep eating? Which are unsafe and should always be avoided?
  • What you need to know about food allergies
  • How to raise your food awareness
  • What to look for on food labels
  • How to make better decisions about what to put in your body

2. Empower Yourself

Get help, support, and encouragement on your path to a healthier lifestyle, so you can…

  • Lose weight
  • Sleep better
  • Enjoy more energy
  • Feel stronger in your body
  • Improve your mental focus
  • Improve your memory
  • Enjoy clear skin
  • Put a stop to unwanted pain
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Detoxify your body
  • Reduce stress
  • Eat healthy on a budget and save money
  • Prevent and/or reverse obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, memory loss, fatigue, constipation, Alzheimer’s, and many forms of cancer

3. Join the Movement

Become part of a positive movement to transform the healthcare and food industries, so we can all benefit from…

  • Safer, healthier food choicesFood Revolution Summit
  • Higher trust in our food supply
  • Higher trust in our healthcare industries
  • Real cures instead of perpetual disease management
  • Greater sustainability
  • More humane eating habits
  • More humane food production processes
  • Greater fairness in the world
  • Less hunger
  • Less obesity
  • Losing fewer friends and family members to premature death
  • Reducing needless suffering
  • A more even, democratic playing field
  • Lower taxes (less money wasted on managing preventable diseases)
  • Improving the health of our children
  • Living in a society that supports you in being healthy
  • Visit Mars sooner :)

If the quality of your food doesn’t affect you today, it will eventually, and it’s surely going to affect your friends and family members. How many people do you already know who are dealing with lifestyle conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or cancer?

There are simple actions you can take to make a difference here. Every decision you make about what to eat and what to buy is a vote. Please educate yourself to make sure you’re voting with your money to help create positive change, instead of fueling the very problems that we’d all rather avoid.

Once again, here are the details…

The Summit starts this Saturday. When you sign up, you’ll also get a complimentary Real Food Action Guide, lots of bonus videos, and more free stuff.

Please help spread the word about this summit if you can, such as by sharing it with your friends via social media. The more people who educate themselves about this, the better.

More than 50,000 people have already signed up for this… and the organizers are expecting 100,000. With those kinds of numbers, we’re still early in this movement — I’d love to see 10 million people involved. We’re heading in the right direction. This summit is getting bigger every year. Will you help us reach critical mass and create some real transformation in the world? Can you help spread the word about this?

I see where the momentum is heading, and I can tell you that the tide is turning. Companies like Monsanto and Coca-Cola, which have teamed up to fight GMO labeling laws, are fighting a losing battle, and they know it. Recently they barely got such a law to fail to pass in California, but it cost them $60 million to convince enough Californians to vote against their own best interests, and they had to lie through their teeth to do it. This issue will return to the ballot again though — as many times as it takes to get such common-sense laws passed. Eventually California voters won’t be so easily fooled. Other states are progressing towards GMO labeling as well. Eventually the price will become high enough that the cost of advertising to keep people uninformed simply won’t be worth it anymore.

Fighting a hopeless battle is no fun. But this is one we can actually win. Join us!

Steve Recommends

Food Revolution Summit (Free) - Adopt a healthy and energizing lifestyle

Spring Forest Healingfest (Free) - Learn to heal yourself with qi gong

Site Build It! - Start your own money-making website

Lefkoe Method - Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

PhotoReading - Read books 3 times faster (discount for my readers)

Paraliminals - Condition your mind for positive thinking and success (discount for my readers)

Getting Rich with Ebooks - Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

Sedona Method (FREE audios) - Release emotional blocks in a few minutes

The Journal - Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

Life on Purpose - A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you've found Steve's work helpful, please donate to show your support.

Add Steve on Google+  -  Follow Steve on Twitter  -  Get Steve's Free newsletter

Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'The First Rule of Life – a story about death'

This will probably turn a little philosophical however I just lost a close relative, and you probably agree that events like this have their way of putting things into perspective.

But before it gets all gloomy, let me start you of with a story about a man I met today. A man who helped me see life more clearly and I hope that he will help you too.

Today I met a man who reminded me of the first rule of life

If you’re a regular reader you might know that run three times a week. A couple of times during the week I run about 5.5km (that’s approximately 3.4 miles for you people don’t quite get the metric system ;) ) and on Sundays approximately 13.5km (8.4 miles).

On Sundays I go for a run in something called Dyrehaven a forest park just north of Copenhagen. The direct translation would be “Animal Garden” but I believe the that the English name is “The Deer Park” because wild deer roam around freely in there.

It’s a wonderful place that’s even more beautiful here in the spring.

And this is also why I was a bit surprised to find a man sitting literally 10 meters from Dyrehaven next to a busy road painting.

Now I’m aesthetically challenged but if I were a painter and wanted to find a beautiful motive for my next painting, I would probably have moved the 10 meters and I would have had no shortage of fantastic motives.

It kind of threw me off a bit, so I decided that if the man would still be there painting when I was running back, I would stop and have a chat.

Of course he was still there painting when I got back, so I stopped for a minute to talk with him. Heck I even got a picture where you can see the road behind him.


The death of a close relative

I didn’t just want pull a paparazzi on him and just stop and take photos, so I asked him if I could take a minute of his time.

Maybe it was a bit much to lay on this poor guy on this beautiful spring morning, however I let him know that my grandmother (on my mother’s side) had just passed away the day before, and him painting by the side of the road had reminded me of a simple yet powerful thing.

He reminded me that a beautiful motive can exist just opposite from a busy road, and it is only the way we choose to look that determine what we see.

For someone who has just loved a dear family member, I could choose to focus on all the sorrow and all the regrets, or I could remember all the good times I’ve had with my grandmother and all the thing she’s done and experienced through a lifetime.

Now I don’t want to sound cold, I would have wished that I’d gotten more time with her, however it’s easy to get bogged down with all the negative things when we experience death.

So that leads me to what I believe is the first rule of life!

Yeah – big words I know. But this rule can pretty much decide how you approach life and how life will treat you.

The First Rule of Life

So let me start out by telling you the rule:

In life there will be good times and bad times, wonderful moments and awful moments. But you alone decide what to focus on.

In life there will be good times and bad times. But you alone decide what to focus on
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Events occur, but it’s your perception that determines what it means to you.

That doesn’t mean that you need to go around with a big grin on your face like you were the Joker from Batman, but it does tell you that if you assign a negative meaning to a given event like a death, it will have a negative impact on your life.

Perception is everything!

So if (dare I say when?!) you loose someone close to you, remind yourself of the man who found his beautiful motive, not among deers and old trees, but by the side of a busy road.

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Monday, 14 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'The Secret and Untapped Market for Information Products'

b2b information products
I’ve previously written about a secret project I was working on, and in this blog post I will reveal it.

This blog post will be all about information products and a market that I believe has a great potential.

Now when you hear the word “information product” you’re probably thinking of some sleazy “make money quick” sales page, with a red “Impact” font promises you millions of good american dollars in return of a $19 investment.

Personally I find it an awesome business model if done right, and even drug lords can only look in envy at a profit margin of information products close to 100%.

The current state of Information Products

Now information products certainly doesn’t have to be about making money, however when your product has a clear business case (like spend $1 and earn $2) it is so much easier to sell.

It is much harder to sell “spend $1 and become a better person”.

One thing that I took from attending Brendon Burchard’s Expert Academy was the target audience.

Now I didn’t pay the $2000 that the ticket costs, I don’t think most people do, as Brendon is typically giving it away as bonuses for other products (and I was lucky enough be invited by someone in his mastermind group), but the price point tells you a bit about who will participate.

Brendon audience consists of (and I quote from the man himself) “authors, speakers, coaches, and online thought leaders”.

See a pattern here?

They are all small business owners!

The next in information products

And you know what? Selling a $2000 product to a small business owner is much easier than selling it to your average consumer who might now have that money to spend even if they wanted it, might require approval from a spouse (or parent ;)) or just want to spend their money on some immediate source of happiness.

So one thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about before, is whether you should target consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B) with your information product.

It sounds so easy to create an e-book on dog training and releasing it at $19, but the competition is fierce and you have to sell a shit load of books in order to suddenly have a six-figure dog publishing business.

Now I don’t say it cannot be done, I’m just saying that I see better opportunities out there.

Consumers buy based on emotions, while businesses buy based on business cases
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Just open your television and see how many ads you can see that is all about wakening some kind of emotional response in you (and how few are really about how the feature set of the product can help you)

How else can you sell soda and cigarettes if it was not about selling a certain feeling or emotion.

But back to my point, if you are setting out to create an information product, you should consider your market carefully.

Setting the right price can be a daunting task, because it is better to have 100 sales of $20 than 1 sale of $2000?

Currently a lot of information products being targeted consumers.

I personally believe that there is a big and untapped market in the B2B information product segment.

Right now most information products are being marketed to consumers in the hope that enough people will buy the product. But then you just need to find some traffic method that can give you enough leads to your product.

So if you wanted to sell $10,000 worth of dog training e-book per month at $19 a pop, you would need more than 500 sales per month (that’s more than 15 every day)! If you could convert 10% (which is probably quite high) you would still need 5000 NEW high quality leads each and every month.

Instead I would suggest that you start looking at the B2B market instead.

Let me illustrate this by also revealing my secret project that has actually been live for some while now, but has recently been relaunched.

Enter my secret product

A friend of mine has been a project manager in the IT industry for many years. He has been specializing in a big enterprise product called SAP. If you haven’t heard about no biggie, it’s not really relevant for my point.

So we decided to create an online training program that would target people in the industry who wanted to become SAP Project Managers.

My friend has created all the content as the subject matter expert that he is, and I have put together the website and is currently also marketing the program.

You can find the site right here: SAP Project Training.

Here is an example of an information product that is targeting the B2B market.

A SAP consultant can make up towards $300 an hour! So a program costing $67/month or $497/year is a no brainer.

We actually learned an important point: almost 70% of our customers prefer the $497 price point. They simply don’t want to hassle of having a monthly subscription, so right now we’re considering raising our prices.

No this program is by no means a goldmine (yet), we have just re-launched it and I’m currently in the process of getting a stable source of traffic.

Be smart: target the B2B market with your information product

You can also see this in the coaching market where a lot of new “business coaches” are targeting the same audience that Brendon is, because small business owners have money to spend and will buy if presented with a valid business case.

Are you doing information products? And if so what are your experiences? Are you in the B2C or B2B segment?

Let me know you thoughts in the comments!

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Monday, 7 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Creating Killer Webinars with Google Hangouts on Air'

src="" alt="Webinars with Google Hangouts on Air" width="600" height="257" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-3347" /> /> href="" >I recently did my first webinar using the awesome – and totally free – Google Hangouts on Air.

In this post I will share my experiences and give you tips and tricks on how you can leverage the platform and create your own webinars.

Webinars rock…

Webinars are a fantastic way to connect with your audience. It’s live and you can reply to people’s questions as you go a long. Personally I really enjoy it although it can somehow feel a bit awkward sitting in an empty office and talking into a mic knowing that hundreds of people are listening to your words.

It’s really different from a recorded interview where you’re typically talking with someone else and where it often takes weeks before it reaches an audience.

But hey – I never did school radio either src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" />

It costs what?!

The main problem I see with most webinar providers and webinar software is the price.

href="" >GoToWebinar that has kind of become a standard in the industry is charging $399 PER MONTH for a plan where you can do unlimited webinars with up to 500 participants. There is a cheaper plan but that only goes to 100 people.

Now this is certainly not the first time I’ve ever done a webinar. More than three years ago I wrote about my experiences using href="">another free webinar platform.

However this platform displays ads to the participants in order to be able to provide a free service.

I actually did my previous webinar on this platform and even upgraded to their paid product (for just one month) however the sound kept cutting up making it a less than joyful experience (for both me and my audience).

Introducing Google Hangouts on Air

So with the sudden introduction of a free product, Google has stirred up the webinar waters.

But what exactly is Google Hangouts on Air you ask? A great question.

First you need to look at the “core” offering: Google Hangouts.

This product is meant as a way to do real time online video meetings. In it self it’s an awesome product and as many of Google’s other products, totally free.

Google is actually licensing the technology from a company called href="" >Vidyo and for someone who has been involved in a project that licensed the same technology, I can appreciate that Google is making it free as it is certainly not a cheap product (although I assume that Google are getting some discounts compared to the list price ;) ).

But Google Hangouts on Air is where you can publish the video stream from Google Hangouts and publish it directly on to YouTube so people can see the video stream with a small delay (I think mine had a delay of about 30 seconds – so it’s almost live).

You can stream video from your webcam or do a presentation on your computer, it doesn’t matter, you can broadcast it all.


Google just made it possible (and free) for everyone to open their own online TV channel /> href='' >Click To Tweet – href='' title='Content Marketing Editorial Calendar' >Powered By CoSchedule


This is really a game changer!

But that’s not all!!!

The entire thing will be recorded and be available directly on Youtube so people can access it after the actual event.

Doing Webinars with Google Hangouts on Air only requires that you have a Google account. That’s it. And in this day and age who doesn’t src="" alt=";)" class="wp-smiley" />

But this is all fine, but how does people register to my webinar?

Google only supply you with the infrastructure to do the actual webinar/broadcast. Typically webinar products will also:

  • Make it easy for people to sign up
  • Register people to your autoresponder of choice
  • Send out reminder emails at given intervals before the webinar

You could easily do this your self, by setting up a page with an opt in form that would register the participant with your autoresponder and send out emails yourself.

However there are typically a lot of pages that has to be created besides the registration page, like the actual event page, replay page and so on.

But the good thing is that this is all much easier (and cheaper) to get help with.

WordPress plugin you say? Awesome sauce

Personally I’ve ended up with using the href="" >Easy Webinar Plugin that is an online platform with a WordPress plugin so all these different pages are integrated with your existing website.

It’s really an awesome product that makes it super easy to setup professionally looking registration and webinar pages. Not to mention all the automated stuff with sending out reminders.

Another great thing is that you can also use your recorded webinar as “semi-live” webinars, where people can sign up to what they think is a live webinar at certain times.

href="" >And the plugin is currently just a “one time payment” that is cheaper than one month of GoToWebinar.

If you want to check out how a registration page look, you can href="" >head over to the Webinar registration page that I did a little while ago (this is a recorded webinar that looks like a live one).

But what about this WebinarJam thing?

Now let me just say that I have not tried WebinarJam that was launched not long ago. On paper it says that it does pretty much what the href="" >Easy Webinar Plugin does.

However it is created a couple big ass internet marketing guys and while the actual product might be good, the typical pattern you see with these kind of big online JV launches (where it seems like everybody and their mother are promoting the same product for a month) is that they build a product, launches it, and then moves on to creating the next product.

In my business I need something that is stable, tried and tested, and will offer support also in the long run. But again… I never tried the WebinarJam product (although I do know a few people that did buy it).

Google has disrupted the webinar business with Google Hangouts on Air

And the good thing is that you can use this technology today without paying a dime. I will certainly use Google Hangouts on Air for my coming webinars and I’m also currently using Google Hangouts for my href="">private coaching program.

Have you used Google Hangouts on Air for your webinar? Or planning to do so? I would love to get your input in the comments.

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online

Friday, 4 April 2014

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'Skydiving in Las Vegas on April 14'

It’s time to tackle one of the items on my bucket list. Rachelle and I now have a reservation to go skydiving — first time for both of us. :)

We opted to go with Skydive Las Vegas. We’re signed up for the 8am skydive on April 14.

We jump from about 2.5 miles above the ground. I believe we freefall for about a minute, then parachute for 5-7 minutes. It looks like we’ll have a nice view of Lake Mead as we jump out of the plane.

You’re welcome to join us if this sounds like something you’d like to try. If you want to jump with us, you can make a reservation here (April 14, 8am). I’ve heard from at least a few other people who are interested in joining. Let’s see how committed they are…

The cost is about $200 for one jump, with upsells for pics or a video.

The location is an airfield in Boulder City, which is about 20 minutes southeast of Vegas. The skydive place has a free shuttle service from the south end of the Vegas Strip if you’re visiting from out of town and need a ride.

We’re supposed to be there at 7:30am. Supposedly it takes about 4 hours for everything.

There’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to get onto the same plane if more people show up, but we can try to arrange that when we get there of course. They only take 7-8 jumpers per plane.

I’ve never jumped out of a plane before, so I’m curious to know what it’s like. People who’ve done it tell me it’s a lot of fun.

If you decide to join us, please drop me a message via my contact form to let me know, so we can look for you when we get there.

Steve Recommends

Feng Shui Fest (Free) – Alter your space to increase flow and peace

Site Build It! – Start your own money-making website

Lefkoe Method – Eliminate a limiting belief in 20 minutes

PhotoReading – Read books 3 times faster (discount for my readers)

Paraliminals – Condition your mind for positive thinking and success (discount for my readers)

Getting Rich with Ebooks – Use ebooks to create streams of passive income

The Journal – Record your life lessons in a secure private journal

Sedona Method (FREE audios) – Release emotional blocks in a few minutes

Life on Purpose – A step-by-step process to discover your life purpose

If you’ve found Steve’s work helpful, please donate to show your support.

Add Steve on Google+  -  Follow Steve on Twitter  -  Get Steve’s Free newsletter

Uncopyrighted by Steve Pavlina

You may view the latest post at You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online