When I was a kid and my Mom would take my siblings and me to the local shopping mall, she’d bribe us with an offer of an ice cream cone from Baskin-Robbins if we’d behave ourselves. So if we acted like monkeys in the stores, we wouldn’t get any ice cream on the way back to the car. Most of the time, sometimes with a large amount of begging and pleading, we were able to get our cones.
Many years later I began learning about the long-term consequences of eating junk food — on the body and particularly the brain. In my early 20s, I decided to upgrade my diet. I went vegetarian first, then 100% vegan several years later. With each change I felt less mentally foggy. I could concentrate more easily and think more clearly. It’s been about 20 years since I’ve eaten animal flesh and more than 16 years since I’ve had any animal products at all, including ice cream. I don’t miss any of it.
As it so happens, John Robbins (son of Irv Robbins, one of Baskin-Robbins’ co-founders) decided to walk away from his father’s ice cream empire. Instead of devoting his life to selling junk food, he became a spokesman for nutritious food, healthy people, and a sustainable planet. He opted for a greater purpose in life.
John Robbins is the bestselling author of some of my favorite books on health and sustainability, including Diet for a New America, which was one of the first books I read on how our dietary choices impact our bodies and the planet as a whole.
I’ve never met John, but I had the chance to hang out with his son Ocean for several days last year when we were at a retreat together. Ocean and I became fast friends and have stayed in touch. Ocean and his Dad work closely together, and the two of them are passionate about creating a healthier and more sustainable planet, a cause I support. I told Ocean I wanted to help spread the word about any cool projects that might be of interest to my readers. Here’s one of them…
From April 27 to May 5, Ocean and John Robbins are hosting a free online event called the Food Revolution Summit.
In this summit John interviews 24 leading voices in the movement for a healthier and more sustainable planet. The list of experts includes Andrew Kimbrell, Brenda Davis, Mayor Cory Booker, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dolores Huerta, Jeffrey Smith, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Kathy Freston, Ken Cook, Kris Carr, Mark Bittman, Dr. Mark Hyman, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Dr. Michael Klaper, Mike Adams, Dr. Neal Barnard, Rip Esselstyn, Robyn O’Brien, Russell Simmons, Seane Corn, Thom Hartmann, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Will Potter, and Zoe Weil.
Here are some of the topics covered by the summit:
- How to prevent companies like Monsanto from destroying your health and the health of the planet
- What should you really be eating for the best health, energy, and mental clarity?
- How to prevent and even reverse heart disease without drugs, surgery, or excessive exercise
- What’s the real truth about soy? Is it a health food or something to be avoided?
- How to determine if you’re allergic to certain foods
- Are organic foods worth the extra cost?
- What can you realistically do as an individual to make a difference in the health and sustainability of the planet?
- … and many other topics
If you’d like to get started, visit the Food Revolution Summit to sign up now. Again, it’s totally free. There’s a free bonus when you sign up too. More than 20,000 people have already signed up for this.
Please help spread the word about this summit if you can. The more people who invest in our long-term health and sustainability, the better.
“The planet is under pressure and our choices have never been more important. The Food Revolution Summit is an informative and empowering platform which highlights ways to set a new pattern for the future of the planet.” – Paul McCartney
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You may view the latest post at http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2013/04/food-revolution-summit-free-online-event/ You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, Build Your Business Online peter.clarke@designed-for-success.com
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