Thursday, 25 July 2013

[Build Your Business Online] TITLE

Build Your Business Online has posted a new item, 'New York City Meetup Details'

Here are the details for the New York City meetup that I mentioned in the last post.

When: Friday, July 26, 2013 at 6:30pm (usually these meetups last for around 2 hours)

Where: Sheep Meadow, Central Park, New York City (map showing exact location, the pin shows the spot)

Who: Anyone who’s interested in personal growth and wants to meet like-minded people

Why: See the last post for details on why you may want to attend if you can.

We’ll meet on top of the hill in the southwest part of Sheep Meadow, which in on the west side of Central Park, within easy walking distance of Columbus Circle. It’s not far from a subway station. If you need directions, you can click the map link above and use Google Maps to plot your course. It can provide navigation directions using public transportation if you need that.

It will probably be cool and a bit breezy, and there’s a small chance of rain. There are plenty of trees nearby that we can use for cover if necessary though. But I’d recommend dressing warm.

There is a public restroom nearby on the north side of the meadow.

The meadow has a fence around it, but there are various gates that should be open. The closest one is directly west of the meetup location, in the west-most corner of the meadow. If you go through that entrance, just follow along the fence to your right up the hill.

If anything is messed up with the meetup location, such as if there happen to be a bunch of other people in that spot, the meadow is big enough that we should be able to move to a decent spot nearby. And if for whatever reason the gates are locked, just meet at the western gate, and we’ll find another spot in the park nearby.

If we do need to adjust the meetup spot, I’ll mention any changes or updates on my Twitter account, so be sure to check there if you have any issues finding us.

While an indoor meetup might be better considering the weather, it’s unpredictable how many people might show up. I’d expect at least 40, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we had double that. This could very well be our biggest meetup ever.

If you know anyone else who’d enjoy this, feel free to invite them.

See you tomorrow if you’re able to make it! :)

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