src="" alt="3 reasons why you should quit your 9-5 job" width="600" height="244" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-3316" />
/> I like running.
There I said it. For a long time I kept telling myself that I didn’t. However I’ve realized that I get most of my best ideas when I’m out running.
Not only ideas though, I also get to think through my life and the decisions I’ve made.
Today during my run I started thinking why most people with all the possibilities today, continue to live (and work) in the same routine our parents did.
Before I forget it though, I just wanted to share a selfie I took while running today . If this is not your first visit, you probably know that we spend our winters in Thailand and this was my first 12km run after we got home, hence the epxression on my face and my comment on the (rather windy) Danish weather
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src="" alt="Running in the Danish spring" width="600" height="317" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-3306" />
But back to my point and the reason behind this blog post.
Most people I talk with who are in a 9-5 job would like to cut down on work and live a different life with more freedom, but most of the time they list “security” as their top reason for being an employee.
Having a 9-5 job no longer constitutes as “security”
I think this fact has probably become much more apparent after the downturn in the world’s economy. People who have been employed in what would seem like good and safe positions have been let, people have been forced to leave their houses they otherwise believed they would grow old in.
So on my run this morning I thought about the top reason why I feel you should think about if you want to be an employee or build your own business.
REASON 1: You will NEVER become wealthy in a 9-5 job
Ok what is wealthy? What is rich? This probably means something different depending on the person you ask. But using the business model of trading your time for money will simply not scale.
That means that while you might get a promotion and earn a bit more, there is always a loft on exactly how much money you can make working in your 9-5 grind.
Sure you can be a highly paid specialist or have a decent management position, but you still need to be physically present for at least eight hours five days a week in order to get that pay check at the end of the month.
In order to become wealthy you need to own some kind of system that will make you money even when you’re not spending time on it.
This could be investing, but I advocate building a scalable lifestyle business.
REASON 2: There is always something that you would rather do than work
You just gotta find out what
src="" alt="Running in the Danish spring" width="600" height="270" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-3308" />
The picture is of me and my 4 year old princess in Thailand.
Now the point is not that spending winters in Thailand is a better choice than working your butt off. You might think that Thailand is the worst country on the planet (apparently I don’t).
Instead I would like you to consider if there weren’t something that you would rather do?
“But Rasmus, I love my job…”
Oh if I had a dollar for every time I’d heard that!
That’s not really the point. While there are people out their who truly hate their job, most people actually like it.
You probably get to work on exciting projects, have awesome colleagues, a decent pay and an acceptable boss right?
And you probably also have people telling you that you do a great job, right?
Oh the recognition – everybody loves to be recognized for something they did.
I was like this once. Until I got my first child (Cecilie in the picture) and I knew something had to change.
If you’re reading this and still think you love your job, ask yourself this question:
“If I was diagnosed with a terminal decease and only had one year left to live, what would I do? And would I go back to work tomorrow?”
A burning platform like a terminal decease tends to change people’s outlook on life and doing a small mental exercise like this, can help you sort out your priorities.
REASON 3: You can always make more money, you cannot make more time
Money isn’t everything, you probably know that. I personally really like the following quote by Tony Robbins:
Money doesn’t buy happiness; it just helps you arrive in style. – Tony Robbins
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Of course Bo Derek did say
Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping. – Bo Derek
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But whatever attitude you got towards money, the fact is that it’s a resource that you can get more of. You might need to struggle hard to get it, but you can get more.
Time on the other hand is something is a resource you simply cannot get more of!
Not even href="" >The Doctor can get more time, only jump back and forward in it.
/> src="" alt="The Doctor quote" width="600" height="268" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-3314" />
In the beginning of our careers we’re often too busy with doing all the things that our parents told us we needed to do to succeed that we don’t really stop and think how we would like to live our lives.
I don’t say that you shouldn’t work at all, just that you should probably stop and see if you’re spending the time – that you will never get back – the right way.
Want my secret to only working 4-5 months of the year and travelling for months with my family each year?
Then I would like to invite you to join my href="">Lifestyle Business Mastermind program where I teach you the exact model I’ve used!
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